[Chapter 17] His Stupid-Ass Son

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-Anthony's POV-

I had been walking on the faint tracks for god knows how long when I heard something approaching me from behind. I turned around and saw two headlights coming straight at me. I started to run, afraid they were going to run me over. But instead, they stopped and got out of the car.

"Anthony!" The person called, "Is that you?"

I slowly came to a stop and turned around, "Who's asking?"

The person ran up to me and grinned, it was Shane. I dropped Ava's body in shock. She hit the floor with a thud, but since she was in a coma, she didn't flinch. I leaped forward and pulled him into a hug, which neither he nor I expected.

"You're not going to kill me, are you?" I asked him as I stepped out of the hug.

He shook his head no and smiled, "No, I'm escaping. Just like you. I saw you and was wondering if you wanted a ride."

"A ride?" I questioned nervously as I slipped my arms under Ava and pulled her close to my chest. I got to my feet and saw him nod his head.

"Yeah," He remarked, "Look, I only was trying to kill you before because those stupid ass creators held my son captive. They told me I had to bring you and Ava back in order for me to get him back. But I got him back and...let's just say I also got my revenge." He got an evil look on his face and started to laugh manically.

I gave him a weird look before saying, "Why don't we just get in your truck before the snow gets worst?" The faint snow was getting heavier and heavier the more I walked down the tracks.

"Yeah!" He turned around and walked back to his truck, which was, from what I recall seeing, an army-registered vehicle of Karim. He opened the back to reveal four beds attached to the truck walls, and a baby carrier sitting in the middle on the floor. I gave him a perplexed look.

"What?" He remarked, "I wasn't going to leave my son in that hell hole."

I shrugged my shoulders and got in. I laid Ava down on the bottom bunk and wiped the snow off of her face and out of her hair. Shane closed the door and got in the driver's seat.

I sat beside Ava's cold body and leaned back on the wall, have a little nap before we arrived at our destination. The truck shook and the light very faintly illuminating the back went off. I sat up immediately and held onto the bed sheets tightly. The only sounds I could hear were Shane's son's baby sounds, my quick breaths, and the crunching of the snow outside.

The crunching stopped and I had unconsciously moved my hand over the sleeve I kept my knife in. The doors swung open and I stood up, pointing the knife outward. The person shot the knife out of my hands and I screamed like a girl.

"What do you think you're doing?" The familiar voice questioned as they stepped into the vehicle.

"What did you do to Shane?" I asked.

Felix put me into a headlock and shoved the barrel of his gun at my temple, "I killed him. Just like I'm going to kill you."

"But if you kill me, Karim will never be the society you and the Creators want."

"The Creators are dead, you idiot. That's why Shane is dead - he killed them over his stupid-ass son..." His grip loosened when he noticed the child behind me, "This is just my day. He's here, your here. I'll just kill you both!"

"Not on my watch," I declared as I dove for my knife and drove it through his back. Felix looked at me in shock before he coughed up some blood and fell to his knees, landing right on his face.

Shane's son had woken up and started to cry. I slipped my hands under his body and head and picked him up out of the carrier. I held him close to my chest and started swaying side and side.

"Don't worry, Shane's son," I muttered under my breath, "We'll get out of here safely and live normal lives. I promise."


After burning both Felix's and Shane's dead bodies, strapping Ava to the bed so she wouldn't fly everywhere with each bump we hit and each turn we made, and moving Shane's son carrier to the front seat, I was back to escaping the outskirts.

Like I had predicted, the snow picked up, and the windshield wipers were failing. The heating system was also busted - my fingers were numb and I was losing body heat quickly.

I glanced over at Shane's son and noticed he wasn't phased at all. He was laughing as he tried to fit his toes into his mouth. "How are you not cold?" I asked, though I wasn't expecting a response.

I heaved a sigh and looked out the window again, "What's your name anyways?" No response - not a surprise.

"You know, don't take that thing Felix said about you being Shane's stupid-ass son personally. He's a douchebag who has mental problems and he hates everyone," I glanced down at him and noticed he was staring at me. "Do you understand me?" He just went back to laughing and trying to do the impossible. I rolled my eyes and returned my attention to the road.

The snow seemed to clear up some and I finally could see. I slammed on the brakes. In front of me was a gate that was down and a operator's booth.

I looked down at Shane's son and smiled, "We did it, Shane's son!" He started to clap and I tickled him on the stomach.

I sighed and said, "You know what? After all of this, I can't help but finally be happy to be free!" I slowly pressed down on the gas pedal, and broke through the gate. I drove for a few miles, only to be cornered in every direction by these big, black vans. These men rushed out and pointed their loaded guns at me.

"PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!" They called out to me with the use of a megaphone, "YOU'RE UNDER ARREST!"

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