Chapter Seven

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This chapter is basically just Sabriel, so you're welcome.

“It’s nice to see you again, Samsquatch,” Gabriel said cheerfully as he popped another piece of candy in his mouth. “Lollipop?”

“Uh…sure,” Sam agreed awkwardly as he unwrapped the cherry lollipop Gabe handed him. “Where are Dean and Cas?”

“Oh, I just took a little detour.” Gabriel grinned. “I’m sure they’re fine and dandy back at the hotel room.”

“So, you’re an angel,” Sam said, changing the subject as he leaned back on his side of the booth. Gabe had zapped them to a secluded restaurant and hidden them in the back, where there weren’t many people to observe them.         


“You don’t exactly act like one.”

Gabriel leaned across the table and stared at Sam directly in the eye, almost like a challenge. “And how are angels supposed to act, then?”

“You’re a dick,” Sam muttered, sucking on the lollipop.

“Ah, but I gave you candy.”

“I’m not a fan of cherry,” Sam smirked, looking down at Gabriel’s disappointed face. Almost instantly he felt guilty. Those pretty brown eyes were boring holes into his soul. “But…I am a fan of lemon.”

Gabriel’s face broke into a grin. “Can do.” Immediately his mouth was filled with the sweet taste of lemon candy, and when he pulled out the lollipop it was yellow, not red.

A waitress appeared at Sam’s side, a cheerful smile plastered on her face. “Would you guys like anything to drink?”

“Uh, no thanks,” Sam declined politely, but Gabriel grinned devilishly and ordered a couple beers and a burger.

“I thought angels didn’t need to eat.”

“This one enjoys a snack now and then.”

The waitress gave them weird looks and sauntered away towards the kitchens, leaving them alone to talk again. Sam sucked away at his candy, and Gabriel pulled another one from his pocket and stuck it in his mouth.

“So, Samwich. How’s the weather up there?” He asked, quirking his eyebrows.

“Very funny,” Sam muttered, twisting the lollipop stick between his fingers. “Won’t Dean and Cas be worried about us?” He asked, quickly changing the subject.

“Nah. I already told Cas where we were, and he’ll sure as anything tell Dean.” Gabe leaned in again, like a teenage girl about to spill a secret. “You know, they like each other. Probably already kissed. I bet they’ll have sex within the week.”

Sam grinned at the angel. “Within a month.”

“A bag of candy for the winner?”

“You’re on.”

Gabriel leaned back again, looking satisfied with himself. “I’m telling you, I’m going to win this one…”

“It’s highly unlikely,” Sam retorted, fiddling with the broken lollipop stick. He accepted another one from Gabriel and stuck it in his mouth as the waitress came back with the angel’s food and beer.

“Is that all for you guys?” She asked sweetly, glancing over at Sam.

“Uh, I think we’re good,” he said, and she nodded, moving on to the next table.

“Why’d you do that?” Gabe asked, somehow managing to look disappointed through his mouthful of burger. “I wanted more beer.”

“You’ll get drunk if you get anymore,” Sam argued, looking pointedly at the five bottles lined up on Gabe’s side of the booth. In truth, he didn’t know how strong an angel’s metabolism was, but he really didn’t want to find out when he still didn’t know where they were and his only hope of getting back to Dean and Cas was Gabriel. “And how, exactly, are we paying for this?”

“Oh, right…” Gabe said sheepishly, swallowing the rest of his burger and washing it down with another mouthful of beer. “I think it’s time to go, Samsquatch…”

“Damn you, Gabriel!” Sam hissed through his teeth as the angel got ahold of his arm again and zapped him, along with three bottles of beer, to an almost-empty motel room. ‘Almost-empty’ because Cas and Dean were on one of the beds, kissing passionately.

“Oh, shit,” Gabriel whispered, grabbing Sam again. They zapped to another motel room, one that was actually empty, and Gabe finally released Sam.  

“Did you know that was going to happen?” The Winchester asked, wrinkling his nose.

Gabriel crowed with laughter. “Of course. I’m telling you, Sammy, sex within the week.”

“Don’t call me that.”

“Okay, Sammy.”

Sam groaned and fell back on one of the beds, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He heard Gabriel set down the remaining bottles with a quiet chink, then the angel flopped down beside him.

That was when he sensed something was wrong. Because the chink hadn’t been from the beer bottles. And the bed was suddenly growing wet with a big scarlet stain that blossomed out from Gabe’s body like a flower. Sam cautiously reached into his jacket for the demon knife that he’d picked up when Crowley had impaled it in the wall. He kept his eyes trained on the ceiling. He knew whatever it was would try to kill him too, so he needed to pretend he didn’t know anything was wrong.

There was a quiet sound to his right, like a small, muffled thump. Sam’s fingers curled around the hilt of the knife.

In one fluid motion, he pulled it out of his jacket and slammed it into the wall beside the bed.

He’d been wrong to assume that the demon was going to try to kill him.

It was already gone.

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