Chapter Nine

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Sooo...there's a considerable amount of Destiel in this chapter, and I added in one of my favorite headcanons, so yeah, enjoy. 

“Cas, Cas, wake up!” Sam shook the angel as hard as he could. Cas’ eyes flew open, glossy with tears.

“Lucifer,” he gasped, panting. “Lucifer, he—”    

“Shh, shh, it’s okay, Lucifer isn’t here.” Sam felt a lot like a parent reassuring a child after a nightmare, but he would do anything to get Cas’ awful screams out of his head.

It was around 10:00 A.M. Dean had gone out to get some breakfast, leaving Sam alone with Gabriel and Castiel, who had fallen asleep on the couch. At 9:52, ten minutes after Dean left, Cas had started screaming, and Sam had run into the living room to see a dark figure hovering over Cas, angel blade in hand. As soon as Sam ran in, it disappeared, leaving Cas shaking and crying out on the couch, eyes still tightly squeezed shut. Blood soaked the front of his white shirt.

“My body—it hurts so much,” Cas whispered, grasping at Sam’s arm. “It hurts, Sam. It hurts.” To the Winchester’s complete surprise, the angel started to cry quietly. It really disturbed Sam to see him break down like that, but he guessed since it was the first time the angel had experienced pain this intense, it was only to be expected.

“Here, I’ll fix you up,” Sam reassured him, running for the first aid kit. As he grabbed it off the kitchen counter, he dug his cell phone out of his jeans, searched the contacts for Dean’s number, and dialed it quickly. As he walked back to the couch, he listened to it ring until he finally got Dean’s voicemail.

“Shit,” Sam muttered. “Shit, shit, shit. Okay, listen, Dean, I need you back here right now. Cas—”

Suddenly, he felt a strong hand grip his arm, and Cas said firmly, “Don’t tell him, Sam. Please don’t tell him.”

Sam nodded, surprised, but he finished, “It’s just pretty ugly over here, okay? Call back as soon as you can.” He clicked ‘end’ and tossed the phone on to the table carelessly. Gently, he unbuttoned Cas’ shirt and pushed it out of the way to examine his chest. The gashes from yesterday were gone—only thin white scars remained. But more serious cuts were layered over that, ones that dug frighteningly deep into Cas’ skin.

“Oh my god, Cas,” Sam breathed, digging out more bandages from the kit. “What the hell happened to you?”

The angel groaned as Sam pressed gauze over his cuts. “Lucifer…”

Sam decided to ask questions later and carefully wound the bandages around Cas’ cuts, making sure to be gentle. They sat in awkward silence as Sam worked until Cas finally asked, “How long has Dean been gone?"

* * * 

“And that was for my pie,” Dean panted, pulling his knife out of the last demon. He wiped the blood off on the dead man’s jacket looked over at his car, which was still blaring music.

I met a devil woman/She took my heart away

They’d ambushed him just as he was about to leave the small drugstore that was stranded along the desolate road. The funny thing was, though, they hadn’t been trying to kill him. Dean had earned some nasty cuts from their knives, but they hadn’t aimed for any vital places like the throat or heart. It was weird, but it had given Dean the advantage as he set about killing them.

She said, I’ve had it comin’ to me/But I wanted it that way

Dean got back in the Impala, gingerly setting down the crushed pie he’d been using as a weapon for the first five seconds of the fight. “Dammit,” he hissed again, spitting more curses as he impaled himself on the car keys and wiped blood on the Impala’s newly cleaned seats.

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