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Dean sat up in bed, breathing heavily. His alarm clock was beeping insistently. He groaned in annoyance—it was only 5:30. He was about to turn it off when Sam popped into his room and said, “No you don’t. We’re not going to be late for school on our first day.”

“Come on, Sammy, I don’t have to go,” Dean moaned, sitting up and sliding off the bed. He already knew he’d lost the argument. “Dad won’t even know. He’s out hunting.”

Sam grinned at him. “Who knows? This school might be different. You might even make friends,” he teased, laughing at Dean’s sour expression. “Look, just give the first day a try, for me? Pleeeaasssseee?” He gave his older brother the puppy dog eyes.

“Oh, fine, Sammy,” Dean grumbled, tugging on a clean shirt. “For you.” He rubbed his eyes sleepily and padded into the kitchen for some breakfast.

 What he really wanted to do today was sit here and remember the details of his dream. It was already clear, but he really wanted to just write it down so he would never forget it, freeze it in his memory. He wanted to always remember the way his dream self had felt about the dream angel. It was one of the best feelings he’d ever had. The angel’s name was Castiel, he remembered, and he had the prettiest blue eyes that Dean had ever seen. The first parts of his dream were fuzzy, the parts where he’d met Cas, but that didn’t matter. As long as he remembered most of it.

Dean dragged himself around the house, getting ready for school. After about an hour and a half, he was already late, so he ran out to the Impala, shoved Sam into the passenger seat, and dropped him off at the high school. Then he drove over to the college, parked the Impala, and stepped out, already critizing the new school.

He glanced at his crumpled schedule—he had Spanish first. Great. Dean rolled his eyes and shoved through the mass of students gathered at the college’s front doors. He made his way to the classroom and sat down in the very back. He was one of the first ones there.

The teacher handed out a sheet to everyone that was there and placed one on every empty desk. Dean was terrible at Spanish, but he scribbled down random answers to the questions and slouched back in his seat, tiredly waiting for the class to begin.

There was a rustle of fabric as someone sat down next to him. It was a boy with dark hair, wearing a beige trenchcoat. Dean smiled to himself; hadn’t the angel in his dream been wearing a beige trenchcoat? His second thought was, might as well make a new friend. For Sammy.

“Hey,” he said in a friendly voice, and the other boy snapped up to look at him, his eyes wide with fear. The first thing Dean noticed was his skin, pale and drawn…maybe with stress? Then his eyes. They were the same ocean-blue as Castiel’s in his dream. Dean tried to hide the shock on his face, biting his lip so hard he tasted blood.

“You okay, dude? You look like you’re about to be sick,” Dean said, worried a little. He frowned as the boy looked back down at his paper and started to scribble stuff down, muttering, “I’m fine.”

“I’m Dean Winchester,” Dean said, remembering that he was doing this all for Sammy, this was all for Sammy. But something about the boy’s blue eyes made him stir with dejà vú.

The boy put his pencil down and slouched back down in his chair, still not looking at Dean. His voice dripped with doubt and uncertainty as he said, “My name is Castiel.”


So sorry you had to experience that pain.  

You Soar & You Drown (Destiel AU)Where stories live. Discover now