Chapter 8

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Tony viewed an underwater horizon of swarming lights heading for Grace and Bill. They were moving so fast, it would be impossible for them to make it back to the exit path in time. Bill was still in shock at the sight of the dead bodies below him, swaying slowly with the waters movement.

"Bill!" Grace shouted. "We have to go NOW!"

It was enough for Bill to snap out of it. Bringing his sub back in line with Grace's, he stared in disbelief at the sheer number of deep sea alien creatures bearing towards them.

Tony had no choice, he had to provide covering fire, or it would be lights out for Grace and Bill. Pulling down his visor, the arena soon became more like a video game as he fired up the underwater concussion blasters on the side of his sub. Taking aim at the closest pack to Grace and Bill, Tony fired his weapons. An array of pin point shock waves were sent screaming through the deep water, leaving a rippling bubble stream in its wake. The blasts struck hard against a bunch of Fang Tooth creatures, disorientating them; a couple turned upside down. Tony thought it was a good sign. What wasn't a good sign though was that now he had given away his position. A Large number of creatures now began hurtling towards his sub.

Grace looked over to Bill. "We've got to make a run for it. You go ahead and I'll give cover fire on the cross angle." Bill started heading off quickly up the side wall of the chamber as Grace navigated in a reverse motion, keeping her sub at about 120 degrees with her weapons aimed at the enemy. A group of larger Viper Fish propelled themselves towards Grace with their prehistoric jaws wide open. Bill recognised them from his encounter on the platform. Grace fired off her guns directly at them. More ripple streams coursed through the water, making their way directly into the Viper Fish causing their heads to explode. "Eat that!" she exclaimed. 

Bill was giving his sub all the thrust it could manage as he watched the army of sea creatures heading for Tony. Grace was keeping an eye on the immediate threat before her as five large spinning aliens sprung out from the pack. Their luminous pyramid like cone bodies glowed red from inside their transparent sac. Its base of purple began spinning faster, the long neon red tentacles attached to it created a cutting wheel. Grace fired again; the blast caused the spinning motion to cease as the neon red tentacles become mangled. Becoming immobile from their lack of propulsion, the luminous pyramids pointed their cones towards Grace and Bill. As the tip of their cones opened, they fired the bright red substance from within, which transformed into something more like a fiery missile.

Grace tried desperately to swerve. Avoiding one, she simultaneously fired upon the other red missiles heading directly for her. The force from the ammunitions exploding together caused the subs to shake violently. The shot that Grace had avoided, barely missed Bill, but collided with the chamber wall, causing pieces of rock to tumble near him.

Grace tried to assess the situation as she saw the massive army before her. They had barely started. Concussion blasts spewed out from Tony's position as he hopelessly tried to keep the enemy at bay. Larger creatures now began firing up their bright blue lights. Blue plasma lasers fired off simultaneously, striking the sub with vicious force. "Argghhh," Tony cried.

"Tony!" Grace shouted. "Are you okay?"

Alarm noises came from within Tony's sub, his ears ringing from the deafening sounds. "Arggh, I'm hit. My weaponry is offline." He managed. "I don't think I'm going to be any good to you now."

"Go!" Grace commanded. "Get out of here now, that's an order!"

Tony turned his sub around and headed as fast as he could into the tunnel. He hoped the others were along far enough in the tunnel to make it out safely. Just the same, they needed to be warned. They wouldn't have heard anything from the chamber incidents, due to the fact that the reception was out; probably another precaution from the sea aliens. "Guys, guys, if you can hear me, get out of here quickly. The creatures are heading towards you. Repeat, the creatures are coming! Copy?"

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