Chapter 10

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The Craney Island US Naval Supply Center had returned to its former glory as a bustling facility, central to key war initiatives. Colonel Kevin Hardy had flown in directly from Washington after his briefing with the world leaders. Reports had continued to come in by the minute, heightening the situation as their talks proceeded; unimaginable, terrifying, and astounding reports of a relentless attack on humans by unforgiving, hideous alien sea creatures.

The light from above slowly stirred Bill's senses, but he was unwilling to relent to its call. His dreams had been mixing with nightmares, visions of sweet times with his wife and young baby girl, small snippets of pictures taken; a party, a picnic, and smiles. When bioluminescent glowing started to appear in the background of his dreams, Bill knew he should wake up, but the need of sleep was overpowering. It was decreed to him, as it had been with all the Marines, Veronica and Gordon. His mind pictures soon changed to a scene that left Bill's nerves on overdrive. He could see her clearly as the day she left on that plane, smiling, sweet and sexy. It was almost unbearable for her to wave goodbye to the little love of her life, but Marie also had a great love for people in hardship. Marie's profession as a trauma doctor meant she would not ignore the plight of thousands of victims after the earthquake in Japan three years ago. Bill waved goodbye to his wonderful wife Marie as she went through the security gates to board the plane. It was the last time they would see her.

There had always been many earthquakes in Japan, but the one in 2011 was more catastrophic than most. Marie was working on the eastern side of Japan, tending to the injured and sick. The residents had figured that the worst had past, but then, another earthquake occurred, larger than the first. It shook the earth violently, triggered a massive Tsunami, the likes of which had not been seen, and had never been seen since. Marie, along with thousands more, was swept out to sea, and never recovered. Bill started to sweat as bright shining colors mingled with visions of long fangs and tentacles. Bill was reluctantly transported to a place where he viewed Marie being stored in a blue alien sac. A shiver ran through his body.

The sleep was a necessary pause thought Bill, in order to make the best attempt to save Selena, but he desperately wanted to leave his current visions. As the light continued to burn into his eyelids, a whispering voice combined with the feeling of a hand on his shoulder, finally made Bill stir.

"You okay?" asked Veronica softly.

Bill sat up slowly and rubbed the back of his neck as he looked at Veronica. His body felt like it had been worked over with a baseball bat. Unlike the Marines, Bill was not used to this sort of physical activity, especially under emotional pressure.

"I'm alright I guess. Thanks again Veronica, for being by my side."

Veronica put her hand on Bill's arm. "Hey, like I said, we are in this thing together. Hopefully they can piece together the best possible location to find Selena. She's bound to be alive. You saw those other people in the same blue sacs." Veronica's voice strained to sound positive. "I don't understand though, why would they keep people alive under water?"

Bill groaned as he thought of the people who died before his very eyes in the alien deep. Bill questioned himself. Even if he found Selena, how he would get her out? There would definitely have to be some sort of rescue submersible with extra room for survivors. "I don't know," he quietly replied, swinging his legs over the side of the bunk. The room was suitable enough for a quick sleep, typically stark, true to form for a military base. Bill rubbed his eyes as he asked Veronica, "What are the others doing?"

"Um, Mark hasn't stopped, the other Marines have had minimal sleep and a shower, And Gordon.." Veronica struggled to think of even seeing Gordon after they landed. "I don't know, I haven't really seen him." Shrugging her shoulders, Veronica stood up and offered her hand to Bill.

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