Genius but Evil

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Late the next morning, still in a deep sleep when I smell the wonderous smell of something being cooked downstairs, I pry open my eyes and looked around. I looked at the clock on the bedside table and it should 11:23, wow I slept along time. I got up out of bed, slipped on my slippers and went downstairs. 

I got down and shuffled into the kitchen seeing Louis standing at the stove, without a shirt. I couldn't help but stare. "Hello Louis." I cherped. 

He turned around and a smile spread across his face, "Good morning, love! You slept along time, I was wondering when you were gonna get up because I was curious if I was gonna eat all of this by myself." Louis teased. 

"Oh, well no. I was getting hungry anyway. What's all this about anyway, Louis?" I asked, walking up next to him, seeing that he was cooking eggs, and bacon. 

"Oh I just decided to make breakfast for us and decided to just surprise you when you got up." Louis just shrugged. "Sierra, can you do me a favor and go upstairs search through my small red bag and get my laptop for me please?" 

"Sure." I nodded, turning around and headed upstairs. I walked down the hall, passed my room, walking inside over to the side of the bed and saw the red bag but he seemed to have 2 of them. So might as well look through both. I sat down on the bed and picked up one of the red duffle bags, I unzipped it and looked inside but what I saw didn't look at all like a laptop. What was in it was basically all his undergarments, I just dropped it to the floor and I was like: Nope, not it. Then kicked it over to his bigger suitcase. 

So I picked up the second one, just to be sure. I unzipped it and looked in and it was his laptop. I took it out, grabbing the cord that was in it too and got up to leave. I stopped at the doorway and looked at the other bag, I put down the laptop and zipped it back up so it doesn't look like I looked through the bag that had his boxers. My cheeks kinda heating up. I grabbed the laptop up and went back out. 

I got back downstairs and walked in to see Louis putting the food on plates, "Here you go Louis. You need to be more specific when saying which red bag." I giggled. 

"I thought about that after you left. Haha, thanks though." He chuckled a little bit. I set his laptop down and took a seat at one of the plates that he set down. "Tell me how I did. I'm not much a cook but I hope it's still etible." Louis said, as he watched me take a bite. 

"It's really good Lou, nice job. Thanks for cooking for us, I mean I could've done it, you seriously didn't have to. You're doing enough by helping me get together with Harry, the least I could do is make us meals." I said as he sat down in front of me. 

"Yeah I know but I wanted to make a good best friends' impression on you, so you know you can trust me fully." Louis shrugged. 

"This is actually the quikest I ever gotten friends with. It even took me awhile to get good friends with Harry, we weren't always best friends like right when we were infants or something like that." I admitted because it was. 

"How'd you become friends with him then?" Louis asked. 

"I think it was when we were in Kintergarden and we were all out at recess, Harry was in my class. I was never really the person to exactly fit in well, I would get picked on, stuff would get thrown at me while the teacher wasn't looking. So one day we were all out on the playset and these kids who were especially mean to me started to push me off the playset, I was cornered while they were teasing me and threatening to push me off, they almost succeed when Harry stepped in and told them to back off." I finished the short story. 

"Wow, how mean we're those little brats?" Louis asked raising an eyebrow. 

"Mean enough to make me go home upset everyday." I just shrugged. "I was never really liked when I was little. So that's why I liked Harry for some time now because he understood me when no one else could. or even bothered to." 

"Awe that's sad. Those people have no idea what they have been missing out on I mean you're sweet, caring, funny, friendly. Not to mention cute!" Louis poked one of my cheeks, making me blush and look down. Louis put a finger underneath my chin and pushed it up so his eyes were level with mine "You're really cute when you blush!" He smiled. 

"Louis, stop! You're making me blush too much." I said covering my face. 

"Is that a bad thing?" He took my hands and pulled them apart. I shook my head as I chuckled at how cute he's being. "Good! So when do you wanna get started? I'm eager to do this actually." Louis said changing the subject. 

"Um we can start after we finish here." I told him. He nodded and we finished our meal in silence. 

-20 mins later-

"Sierra, do you want me to help you with dishes before we start?" He asked as he put his plate in the sink. 

"No, we'll do that later." I shook my head, following him to the sink. Louis nodded as he went back to the table getting out his laptop, turning it on. I grabbed the cord and plugged it into the wall, then dragging a chair next to him so I can see what he's doing. "So, do you know how this thing works?" I asked.

"Yeah I think so. I'm just gonna look on google images for her so I can put them on it." Louis said as he looked up. 

"You know you can just type in both of them using the picture but just dropping in another male celeb in place of Harry, if you know how to do that." I suggested. 

"Yeah I think that would be the best thing to do. So what celeb do we wanna use? Justin Bieber?" He asked. 

I just laughed at the mention of his name. "Uh...sure, why not!" I just nodded. As I watched him do his thing, morphing a picture of Justin Bieber into the picture was actually a cool process. It was actually starting to look real. Out of instinct I just leaned up against him, resting my head on his shoulder as I looked at the screen. He stopped moving his arms up and down and looked at me, I looked up. "Oh, sorry am I bothering you?" I asked sarcastically. 

"No, course not. Just looking at you." Louis shined me a perfect smile and turned back to the screen. Getting sleepy, I wrapped my arm around his forearm snuggling into him.

-Hour later-

Around an hour later, the whole picture was done. He shook me awake and looked at him. "It's done Sierra. What do you think of it? Do you think this will be convincing enough?" He asked me. I sat up and looked at the screen. "Is there something I could add to make look more official?" 

"Hmm? What I would put is like text asking like a question, saying like; is this true or is she cheating? Something like that." I suggeted. 

"Oo! Good idea, I thought I was forgetting something." Louis said typing something out. "There now what do you think?" He asked again. I read the text: Is Maya cheating on Harry with Justin Bieber? 

"Love it! I think its good now, maybe print like a couple copies one for him and one for us to see what job well done we did." I just smirked, ready to put this plan into action this Friday. The printer was already on so he went into the room and grabbed the two copies. 

"One for you." He handed one to me as. I observed it and just nodded and smirk still planted on my face, Goodbye Maya and hello Harry! I thought to myself. 

"I really think this could work, I mean these look so convincing." I said still studying the picture. 

"I can just smell the bells saying 'dinner time as victory' or something like that because I want you to be happy, then miseriable watching him with someone else. I'm here for you no matter what now. You're my best friend now, and you can't say no." Louis grinned hugging me close to him. 

I laughed. "Why would I say no?" I asked, looking up at him. 

"I don't know, maybe you thinking I'm stealing your friendship with Harry away." He shrugged, resting his chin on my head. 

"You wouldn't, Lou. I can have more than one best friend. I can find room." I chuckled. 

"Good, because I love you like a sister." Louis gently pecked my cheek. I smiled at that because that's how I see myself to him now. 

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