Chapter 4-School

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Unknown P.O.V.

I couldn't seem to get this girl out my head. The way her hair glistened in the sunlight. The way those lips of hers were able to create such beautiful sounds, making a broken soul feel whole.

It's merely been a day and she hasn't deemed unworthy of my thoughts. Will I ever see her again?

Today is my first day at Riverside High School. I wonder if she goes there, maybe I could get a name for this mystery girl, who consumes my thoughts. Remembering our encounter, I made a mental note to ask her where she got those marks.

I have a bad feeling about those marks shes has. My wolf mumbled.

And why is that Daniel, you haven't even met the girl since we only just had out first shift into a wolf last night, which means meeting you for the first time. How do you know any of this? I related.

Sarcastically, he replied Well due to the living arrangements in this head of yours whatever you think a saying or an image I get it as well.

Oh... this is awkward. Um, what were you saying about the marks on her skin. I nervously tried to get back on track with the conversation.

I was saying I don't like it. I'm oafraid where those marks of hers come from or who had given them to her. He declared

I have no arguments there. Quick question, why does she consume my thoughts like no other?

Ha That one laugh told me he knew something I didn't.

What? I questioned curiously but firmly.

Oh its nothing or maybe this nothing is a something. Anyway you need to get ready to school maybe there you will find the nothing that is a something.

Alyssa's P.O.V.


(A/n:don't dis my alarm clock)

Sliding off my bed gracefully, I intentionally face planted the floor. This is what I call a achy awakening. My intentional face plant brought back new found pain to my body. Yippee more pain. (A/n: pls tell me you did note the sarcasm)

Slowly I pushed myself off the floor, resucing the chance of causing more pain than there is. I make my way to my wardrobe and fethed myself a pair of tousers, a top and my elmo sweatshirt. I always wonder why women always make a fuss on what to wear, its not a big deal anyway.

(PS: I do know that struggle to find out what to wear, its pointless but always unavoidable)

Grabbing my link book from my bag I see that I have double Science with Mr McCrab, ugh he is so annoying he literally only teaches us because and I quote "I had 8 hours spare time". Yes, spend those 8 hours to teach students that absolutely hate the subject, will back mouth you and make you regret coming here, why would you want anything better than that. Then after that I have break, Photography, lunch, French, don't even get me started on that, and finally Maths YEAH!! Don't get me wrong, I only like school as it takes my mind off matters at home, but there are some classes and some teachers that make you dislike school, isn't there always.

Anyway heading down stairs, I'm greeted by the heavenly sound of snoring. Perhaps today will turn out a good one after all. As quietly as possible I get the buttered toast and head out the door.

Its weird how today I'm going to school slumped, miserable and tired but exhilarated. Cheerily I walked to school with my head held high but my brave look was faltering due to the limp of my leg.

Upon arrival at school I scan my landyard on the card scanner and opened the door and wake to my form room. Sitting down in my seat, again at the back corner of the classroom, I checked my link book for any sign of undone homework, to which there were none.


The 8:30 bell went, signaling registration had started.

I looked up at door when I heard the clacking of heels on floor, indicating Mrs Gret was coming. When coming through the door she said "Morning 12G, we have a new student joining us, do treat him well" to which the new student came through the door was a girl with aurbon hair-

(A/n:I'm joking it was a boy)

And you know who it is? Yep, it's the boy I saw at the river yesterday. I literally didn't know what to do with myself, shocking as it is I had this sense of reassurance that he's here. I knew today was going to be a good one.

"His name is Leo Knight, Leo your in luck there's a spare seat next to Alyssa at the back, why don't you go over and settle down there. Ok?"

"Yeah I have no problem with that." He replied.

To which Mrs muttered "Good" as she turned around and began the routine of announcements and register. Great now he has to sit next to me. As he walks pasts all the rows of tables he finally reached mine, sitting down he began to stare at me questionably. Becoming confused, I stared at him to with my own confusion.

"Hey" Leo casually greeted, though his eyes showed he was excited.

I waved, giving a twitchy smile, though still confused.

"Do you talk?" He asked hopefully as he lay his head on his hand as gazed at me

Shaking my head, causing my hair to fall past my shoulders. He reached out swept oneside back behind my ear with such elagance it made me feel like I could brake into a million pieces with to much force. His actions caused the tips of his fingers to graze my skin, shivering when miniature sparks let up on my cheek to my ear. Leo kept his fingers at my ear as if mesmerised.

"Alyssa" Miss voiced, I raised my hand, she nodded her head and Leo retracted his hand. I was able to see that his cheeks were tinted pinker than they were before he looked the other way.

Soon after, the register finiched and the bell rang for us to go to our first lesson or for me double. I grad my bag and walk/limp my way to the door.

"Um...Alyssa"Leo nervously intrudes on my leaving, scratching his head he continues " can you help me find where my classroom is, me being new an' all doesn't help with knowing where to go."

I nodded.


He handed me his timetable, thats when I noticed every lesson he has (apart from the GCSE choises, of course) are the exact same as mine, same teachers and everything. I grad out my timetable as well, then make the guesture to both of them to say they're the same.

We make our way to Mr McCrabs science room, I wonder his lesson plan is going to be as craby as they always are.

(A/n: the pun is sherktacular)
***Let me know if you want the next chapter to be the rest of the school day or not.

Hope you enjoyed.

I'm sorry if this chapter came out longer than you hoped. Let me just tell you this I have many ideas for how the story will be but its just putting them into writing and what not. So don't you go sassing me.

Follow. Vote. Comment. I promice to follow back and I appreciate comments it helps me with how to write my story pls if you are criticising it don't be to harsh.

Thank you for reading, have a lovely day.

Little fish girl is out

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