Chapter 8- One Side of the Problem

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Dash flew as fast she could.

She didn't know where she was going. She didn't care. The only thing that was occupying her mind was going as far as she could from Soarin.


She did it. She said what needed to be said.

"Fancy also said that after yelling at him, he felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders. He needed that."

Dash growled. Weight lifting off her shoulders? More like a whole brick house placed on her shoulders!

She released a deep breath and looked towards the ground and stopped, hovering in place. She was currently above Ponyville Park. It was isolated and no pony was in sight.

Deciding she needed a break from flying halfway across Ponyville at near rainboom speeds, Dash swooped down towards the ground, landing shakily.

She sat down on a bench next to an oak tree and held her head in her hooves.

She just wanted to scream at that bloody, fucking, son of a—

"Aghh!!!" Rainbow growled loudly, scaring most of the birds on the tree near her away.

Hearing the screams of the small, winged creatures, she turned towards her right, and eyed the tree.

She did need to let some steam off...

Without a second thought, Dash walked over the tree and stretched her hooves.

This was going to be great for her mental health.


"What just happened?" Fleetfoot cocked an eyebrow as Soarin flew to his room at an extremely fast pace, locking the door behind him.

"I have no idea." Spitfire blinked. "And where's Dash?"

"I don't know...I don't see her..." Fleetfoot looked around then walked to the door of Soarin's room and started to bang it repeatedly. "Soarin! What happened? Where's Dash?"

"Leave me!!" His muffled voice yelled from the other side.

"We just want to help! Let us in!" Spitfire yelled this time hoping to drive some sense into him.

"I. Said. Leave!" Soarin yelled once again. Spitfire furrowed her brow in annoyance and opened her mouth once again but was cut off by Fleetfoot.

"Spits, you know that's not going to work. He's too stubborn. We can either stay here and scream at the top of our lungs or, get to the bottom of this with some help." The fiery maned pegasus frowned.

"Fine. I'll ask Twilight for help. I don't want to break open the door so we can use her magic to unlock it." Fleetfoot nodded.

"You do that. I'll try to get answers from another source. I'm going to try and find Rainbow to see what happened. But, before that, I'm going to pop over to Rarity's to see if she knows anything. She was the last pony who saw Dash other than us. Maybe she'll know something."

"Hm," Spitfire agreed. "Goodluck."

"You too."


Throughout her flight, Fleetfoot thought about her best friend's behaviour. He didn't seem too keen on talking to them. What had happened between Rainbow and him?

It definitely had to do with something with his mother...he hadn't ever told anypony...anypony except for those close to him...

Did they know each other before?

Of The Past That Haunts Us [Soarindash]Where stories live. Discover now