Chapter 10- Listen...

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Bright emerald eyes scanned the sky, searching. Unfortunately, the pony he was looking for was nowhere to be seen. All around him, were clouds.

Soarin kept looking in every direction possible as he flew. No one was around.

Where is she? He thought. She couldn't just disappear! Could she?

Agh! He was being silly! Nopony could just disappear! He kept looking around, trying to spot Rainbow's colorful mane.
His ears suddenly twitched. Somepony was nearby! Soarin quickly looked around but to his dismay it was just a flock of nine Magpies flying by.

He furrowed his brow in annoyance, she was nowhere! Where the hell could she disappear?! Was she actually trying to hide from him or—

Soarin's train of thought stopped abruptly as his ears twitched once again, but the sound he heard was more...distinct. Glancing around, he saw nothing.

Suddenly, he saw something rapidly approaching in his peripheral vision. He looked up and saw a blue dot shooting towards him at an incredible speed.

He had no time dodge.


This would definitely leave a bruise.

"Oof!" Soarin grunted as he felt the rough impact of a body colliding with his and them falling towards the ground. He spread his wings in attempt to slow their fall. The other pony, having the same idea spread their wings as well and both of them roughly landed on a cloud, successfully not hitting it hard enough to condensate.

"So sorry! I had to get—" a familiar raspy voice started but then stopped as she got a good look at who she had crashed into.

Soarin shook his head, curious to why she stopped. Looking up at her, his question was answered.

Rainbow Dash blankly stared at him as she sat opposite to him on the same cloud.

Well, he found her...what now?

"Um," Soarin coughed awkwardly. "Fancy bumping into you again!" He forced a tense chuckle.

She didn't answer.

"Uh," he was starting to sweat a bit now. "Nice weather we're having, eh?"

She just blinked.


No reply.

"Alright fine!" Soarin struggled. "I'm sorry! I screwed up! I know I seem like an asshole right now, forgetting everything and remembering after...years, but I have an explanation. It won't justify for everything and would probably make you madder but, it's to say I'm not a heartless bastard who left you just for fame. Please, just listen to me and I'll—" his rambling was cut off with a cyan hoof. He looked up and looked at her as she breathed out through her nose and closed her eyes.

"Go ahead." Dash said simply, removing her hoof from his mouth and waiting. Soarin was surprised at her willingness but, he needed to apologise, tell her why.

Even though the 'why' was a selfish reason.

"Dash...I know what I did was inexcusable, and after all those years of being friends...but it wasn't because of the fame getting to my head. Do you remember how easily...pressured I could be?" Upon her nod, he continued, "well..."


Hoofsteps echoed throughout the halls of the Wonderbolt Compound. A young looking, light blue Pegasus trotted down the halls with a slight bounce in his step.

It was peak time for the Wonderbolts so almost nobody was in sight as they all were either busy practicing for shows, or training. All except for Soarin who was very new along with two other ponies named Fleetfoot and Spitfire.

Of The Past That Haunts Us [Soarindash]Where stories live. Discover now