Why No Updates + Preview of 4 Chapters

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I owe an explanation, don't I?

I've been putting off making this post...I don't know why (probably because I don't want pitchforks and torches hurled at me).

*ahem* Let's continue on to my reason on why I haven't updated 'Of The Past That Haunts Us' as of late.

Now, some of you know this but my school got very stressy. I got home late because of extra subjects I took and extracurricular activities I participated in. I slept early because I woke up very early too so I only got a few hours free in which, I ate, did my homework and relaxed. But with my exams coming up, I could barely keep up.

I compared my 1st term and 2nd term marks and I realized my grades had dropped compared to the 1st term results. So, I took a step back to reorganize and focus on studies for my final term.

Now, school ended a month ago, then why pray tell haven't I published any chapters?

Two reasons:
1. I admittedly got lazy.
2. I was and am writing chapters for this book.

'What?' Is what you may ask for reason two.

Let me explain.

I've gotten back into writing this book about half a month ago and have been stockpiling the chapters to publish. I've written about three chapters so far. I will continue to write them and not publish until I feel like a good amount has been written...just in case I get lazy and school kills me again.

Also: I will add quotes to the beginning of each chapter and will do so, for this book, moving forward. The quotes relate to what the chapter is about. I've already done them on Fimfiction and I have to add them here.
(i got them off pinterest shhh)

Finally, since you've been waiting so long, here's a preview from all three chapters:
"Yeah! I had some problems with those too. Maybe I could give you some tips?"

"I ship it."

"They would be cute though? Just imagine it my green companion! The beautiful foals they would make!"

He then realised the position they were in.

"Ready?" He asked her. It was getting harder for her wings not to lock up but she nodded.

"I was thinking, since I basically saved your life and all, you owe me a favour!"

"A surprise," Fleetfoot whispered to Spitfire while giggling.

Annnd there went the comfort.

But...Rainbow was a childhood friend, he was sure she wouldn't mind...

Hope you guys can hang in there a little longer ❤️

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