No One Would Answer

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This one is short and kind of weird honestly, I didn't know what to write about so I googled some short story ideas, and something like this came up. Thought I'd give it a go and see where this story went!

Stiles stood frozen, not quite knowing what to do next. He had taken his daily after school run on his favorite trail in the woods, and now lying right in front of him, was a dead body.

After a few seconds of shock, he scrambled to find his phone within his pockets. He called his dad without a second thought, his dad picking up on the fourth ring.

"You've been out of school for a half an hour, what could you have possibly done already?" His dad's voice rang with a chuckle.

Stiles' breathing was fast and erratic, he stumbled over his words as he tried to respond to the sheriff.

"Dad, I, um..."

"Son, are you okay?" His voice dripped with concern.

"There's a body, on the trail, and it's just, dead. A dead body and I don't-"

His dad interrupted. "Okay, I'm on my way just don't leave, okay?"

Stiles looked around his area, jumping at the sounds that formed around him. "I don't know if that's a good idea, this body looks fresh, Dad."

"Then called Scott or someone, but don't move." The sheriff hung up, leaving Stiles alone. With the body of course.

He took a deep breath, suppressing his raising anxiety. He knelt down, looking closer at the figure lying below him. There were deep slashes in the chest, so deep you could see the bones of the rib cage peeking through. The body was still warm; Stiles could feel the heat radiating off of it still. He picked his phone up again as he backed away from the body, sitting against a tree nearest to it.

He dialed Scott's number, disappointed when no one answered. He called Isaac, Lydia, Allison, even Jackson, but no one picked up their phone. He sighed as he dialed another number, knowing it was his last resort.

"Hello? Stiles?"

"Heyyy, Derek." Stiles mumbled, now wishing the alpha hadn't answered.

Derek cleared his throat, bringing the phone closer to his face. "Why are you calling, you never call me?"

"I found a dead body, you know, nothing unusual, but my dad said I had to camp out by it until he came, and I just..." His voice trailed off, trying to hide his fast approaching embarrassment. "I got scared and no one would answer their freaking phones."

"A dead body? How dead? Was it like shot or mauled apart?" Derek exclaimed, sounding too excited.

Stiles rolled his eyes. "I get it, I'll try calling Scott again."

"Stiles, wait," Derek almost yelled into the phone. "I'm on my way."

He hung up, leaving Stiles in a daze. He put his head against the tree, letting his body relax as he waited for Derek to show, which didn't take long at all. Within a few minutes of the phone call, Derek was walking towards him with his hand out, offering Stiles to take it.

"Holy crap that was fast." Stiles breathed, grabbing Derek's hand. His heart fluttered as they touched, and Derek blushed as he heard the skip in the young boys heart.

"Let's see this body, shall we?" Derek sang as they walked towards the figure on the ground, not letting go of Stiles' hand. Stiles hummed in agreement.

The body, which was beginning to attract bugs, now intrigued Derek differently that it did on the phone. He dropped Stiles' hand and crouched next to the body, examining the slash marks closely.

"These are claw marks, Stiles." Derek said flatly, standing up and looking at the boy.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"A werewolf did this, the scars fit."

Stiles shifted uncomfortably, his anxiety beginning to build back up again. Derek sensed it, grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the body. "Let's just sit down until your dad gets here, and then I'll have a talk with him, okay?"

Stiles smiled, falling back against a tree, pulling Derek down with him. "Okay."

Derek wrapped his arm around Stiles' waist, pulling him closer so he could rest his head on Derek's chest. "Thank you for coming, Sourwolf."

Derek smiled and hugged him tighter. "Anything for you."

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