Chapter 1 - Waiting...

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Hey guys, sorry that the first chapter disappeared, I don't know what went wrong...whatever! Here it is again

So this is my first fanfiction and I would greatly appreciate constructive Feedback. Please read and Review, and enjoy the story!

Also, English is not my mother tongue so I apologise in advance for any mistakes.



He's been waiting for this day for months now. Stiles was currently standing in the airport arrival hall waiting for a plane from Heathrow, London to arrive.  He couldn't stop fidgeting. The flight was 20 minutes late and Stiles couldn't decide whether that's a good or a bad thing. Anticipation was killing him, but he was oh so terrified of the impending encounter.

Stiles settled on the delay being a horrible occurrence as he just couldn't wait to finally see Newt again. See him, hear him, feel him, taste him... Oh yeah, this delay was killing him.

But it would be worth it. Also keeping all this from Scott and the pack, cancelling all their upcoming plans – everything would be worth it once he could spend time with Newt.

Earlier this day

The pack was animatedly talking about the next week. Not only did they have a week long holiday before them but it included Thursday and Friday of this week. This means that this day, Wednesday, would be the last day of school for a span of 11 days.

They planned a pack sleepover from at least Wednesday until Sunday and they'll see where they'll go from there. Lydia was considering hosting a party after the weekend. Basically everyone was engrossed in either pack meeting or party preparations.

Well everyone except Stiles. He sat in the middle of the pack table being uncharacteristically quiet. What the pack didn't know was that him not taking part in their conversation wasn't necessarily something to worry about. Stiles was merely daydreaming. Thinking about the moment he will finally see Newt again, hold him in his arms and musing about all the stuff they could do throughout the week he would be staying.

Stiles just had perfected the image of Newt's eyes twinkling up at him (although the Brit is actually taller than him) when Scott snapped him out of it by throwing a grape at him.

"Dude are you okay? You've been spacing out..", the alpha says, concern swimming in his puppy-eyes.

"Lydia has called your name five times", Isaac commented.

Stilles cleared his throat and tried to explain himself: "I-uh... ahem I mean I- don't worry I'm fine I just..." Damn where did his prepared speech go? He had planned out exactly how to talk himself out of all their activities, preparing explanations that weren't exactly lies, but not the whole truth either.

"Stiles?" Lydia asked, raising a single perfect brow.

Letting out a quiet sigh Stiles collected his thoughts and rushed through his excuses. He just hoped they then would ignore him spacing out. Again, mind you. (ever since Newt's visit had been confirmed Stiles had continuously spaced out, fantasising about the blonde)

"Look, I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry Scott that I haven't told you sooner but... I can't spend the holidays with you all. Actually I can't even be there tonight. We already have other plans and it seems like they're going to take up the entirety of the holidays. I'm really sorry guys... I just didn't want to ruin your fun."

He just hopes no one is going to inquire who "we" consists of. Stiles prays for them to just assume it's him and his dad because honestly, has he ever given anyone a reason to believe it would be someone else?

"Oh come on man! Where did that come from? Wha- why?" Scott pouted. Kira rubbed his arm soothingly. Stiles hadn't expected Scott to be truly this upset.

"Sorry Scott really, but we've had these plans for some months now. We can't exactly abandon them now." Stiles answered, apologetically. He cringed when the next question arouse. Of course it came from Lydia.

"What exactly is it you have planned, what is so important?"

"Well we- we haven't exactly had any chance to spend a lot of time together and.. we really just miss each other. So we have actually had the date fixed for months now because we're both free. I just... I don't know... you were all really excited for this holiday. And until recently I actually forgot about our plans...And with spending time together I mean more than just talking to each other occasionally. We don't really get a chance to see each other and do something together. D-do you get what I mean?"

When Stiles looked up from his half eaten lunch all he could see were sympathetic faces and understanding looks. Somebody must have heard his prayers because still no one had asked if these plans were actually about him and his dad.

"We get it Stiles don't worry. You deserve some time for just the two of you" Allison told him squeezing his hand shortly but reassuringly.

"Yeah, I mean we see each other at school everyday anyways, right?" Isaac provided, following his girlfriend example of soothing him obediently.

Malia, Kira, Liam and Mason nodded and muttered approval, reassuring smiles slowly creeping onto their faces.

Stiles turned to a still pouting Scott, a small grin playing on his lips: "And I can always crash at your place any other times. I don't need holidays to spend time with my best friend!"

Scott couldn't keep the smile off his face and he nodded: "You're right buddy. I hope you and your dad can use the time you have well. Who am I to stop your father-son bonding time?" and he laughed.

Stiles laughed along with the others although he was cringing inwardly. Oh, please don't ask!

Only then did he remember that Lydia hadn't given him any sign of approval. He turned his gaze to the strawberry blonde and waited for a reaction.

The girl sized him up once and then fixated him with a fiery gaze. After some time she seemed to find something and gave him a curt nod, a small smile decorating her features.

Even though Lydia seemed genuine Stiles couldn't shake off an uneasy feeling. He would have to be careful not to be caught by her.

Back to present

So this is how he found himself at the airport anxiously waiting for a certain gorgeous blonde Brit to walk out of the Gate.

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