Chapter 4 - Pack Meeting

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Hi guys!

The next chapter!! Sorry for the long wait.... My life has been quite busy lately and I wasn't in the mood either.

This is the pack's opinion on a Holiday without Stiles!

I hope you enjoy, read and review pls!


Liam sat between Mason and Lydia. They were having a decent time, really. Isaac and Allison had entertained them all during dinner, telling stories about the crazy habits people in Europe had. Everyone was happy to have them back, and even though Liam hadn't known them before he was glad to have met them at the start of the school year.

Scott had only told him so much about those two, but it was enough to make him really curious. Apparently, Allison was stabbed by the Oni when Stiles was possessed, but miraculously she had survived. So, after the mess with the Nogitsune had been dealt with Allison's father decided it wasn't safe enough in Beacon Hills for his daughter, anymore. Weakened from her injury Allison hadn't bothered to complain back then. Isaac, who was already in a relationship with Allison at the time decided to come with them as he didn't have a real home anyways.

And even though Scott had told him that Allison was his first true love and Isaac his first real Beta, Scott had no harsh feelings towards either of the two. He was genuinely happy to have the two of them back. This surprised Liam, as he didn't know if he would be able to deal with something like that. His first true love disappearing with his Beta, while simultaneously being in a relationship... But then again, Scott has always been insanely kind hearted.

It was nice spending some time with the pack. Half of them were sat in Scott's living room, discussing, or rather arguing, which film they were going to watch – No Lydia, not The Notebook again! – While Malia, Isaac, Allison and Kira were in the kitchen preparing snacks and drinks. And even though no one had brought it up yet, everyone could feel it. A pressing feeling in the back if their minds. Something was missing.

Or rather, someone.

It wasn't as bad as to cut the tension with a knife, but it was definitely thick enough to make Liam genuinely uncomfortable. All night Stiles' absence had been obvious. Whether it was the few times an awkward silence occurred during dinner, or the at other times unnecessary argument about who was going to wash the dishes. Also, this seemingly pointless discussion about which film to watch would have never started. Stiles would have demanded them to watch some kind of super hero movie, or maybe Star Wars. If the boy was set on something no one could change his mind, not even Lydia.

Frankly, Liam would have preferred anything Stiles' arsenal of snarky sarcastic remarks had to offer over the argument he was currently listening to. Honestly, he had no interest whatsoever in what they were going to watch. Liam couldn't care less. And he knew that everyone else in the room felt the same, they just wanted to fill the suffocating silence caused by Stiles' absence. Hence the movie dilemma had started.

"-right Liam?" He was snapped out of his musings by Mason's voice and half the occupants of the room staring at him. What had he missed now?

"M sorry what?", he slurred. Lydia rolled her eyes and sighed heavily: "Mason asked if you agreed with him that you would rather watch anything else than the Notebook. But surely you agree with me, don't you? After all, the Notebook is just amazing."

Liam took his time before answering. Scott and Mason looked at him anxiously; definitely not keen on watching the Notebook, again. Lydia, on the other hand, had him fixed in a heated glare, her eyebrow rising higher minutely the longer he took to formulate an answer.

The Beta thought about lying, about giving in to Lydia's demands, about backing up his alpha and his best friend. And lastly, he thought saying what was truly on his mind. Saying what no one else dared to voice as it was rather pathetic...they hadn't even lasted half a day without him.

"Actually, I couldn't care less what movie we're going to watch. What I care about, is how wrong this whole evening feels without the whole pack being here. And don't say you don't know what I mean! You have to feel it too!" Their denial and these completely useless distractions suddenly made Liam angry. Couldn't they sense just how wrong all this was?

When he heard a soft sigh Liam turned to the kitchen and saw the other four, holding various snacks and drinks, looking solemnly at him.

"Listen Liam... Of course we can all feel it. But there's really not a lot we can do", Scott tried to reason with him. "I know it's not the same without the whole pack present, especially with Stiles missing. But you have to think about it in his perspective. Him and the Sheriff are alone, so his dad has to work a lot. On top of that Stiles is constantly busy with either supernatural business or school. And now the Sheriff has taken some days off just to spend them with his son and what..? He'll have to spend them on his own again because we don't want to share Stiles?"

Ok, wow. Scott had a point, and Liam didn't expect that at all.

Almost instantly embarrassment set in and Liam could feel his cheeks heat up. To his surprise he wasn't the only red faced pack member in the room. The others must have silently agreed with Liam.

"Hey, it's okay guys. I understand where you all are coming from. It's just- I get him. It's the same for me and my mum", Scott tried to sooth them.

And wow...that made him feel even worse. Was he hogging Scott to himself as well? He had never stopped and thought about Melissa either.

But before any of the pack could worry themselves even more Lydia butted in to lighten the mood.

"Wow Scott. Brilliantly said, I'm impressed. Except for your grammar mistake which ruins your whole speech. Me and my mum – really? That's impolite."

It was a horrible attempt to change the subject, really. But still, everyone burst out laughing and the subject of Stiles wasn't mentioned all throughout the movie (The Notebook, thanks Lydia).

Only when Liam was rinsing out the last glass did Scott bring him up again. Even though the kitchen was empty except for them Scott kept his voice down, speaking in a hushed tone.

"I'm sorry Liam I didn't mean to embarrass you or anything earlier. I just really wanted you to understand."

"No- don't apologize Scott. I didn't think of that at all. Actually,... I guess I should say sorry for my outburst." Liam quickly responded.

Scott let out a quiet chuckle and fondly looked at Liam.

"Don't worry, Liam. You had the courage to say what everyone else was thinking. Although it maybe came out a bit more heatedly than if anyone else had said it"

He clapped his Beta on the shoulder, squeezing reassuringly. "Tell you what? We'll just talk to the Sheriff tomorrow and ask him if he'd be fine with borrowing Stiles for an hour or two. Maybe to have dinner with on Friday? Or we can ask him if Stiles could come to Lydia's party? If we ask the Sheriff before telling Stiles he won't have any reason to feel bad."

Liam felt a small smile creeping onto his lips- "Yeah that sounds great. –but wait, how will we catch the Sheriff without Stiles if they're spending all of the holidays together?"

"We'll think of something, don't worry. Now however we should go to bed, it's quite late already. C'mon the puppy pile is waiting." Scott said a big smile plastered on his face.

"Yes mum", Liam mocked rolling his eyes, however already halfway to the living room.

He couldn't wait for Stiles to join them in their activities. In a pack as close as they had become, it was really weird when a member was absent. Especially someone as important as Stiles.

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