HE was so, so excited.
So excited, he almost forgot to wear pants this morning.
Luckily his mum was smart enough to remind him that underwear wasn't appropriate for every day wear.
They were coming home!
Too excited to sit still, his parents scolded him during dinner. He ate the hearty meal in a rush and flew up the stairs and up to the attic. He opened the small, round window and stared out across the velds, the early evening breeze making the grass dance. A big smile flew across his face every time he heard a pop, but it was usually nothing, just an animal stepping on a large, dry branch.
He put his head on his arms, his big brown eyes with its long lashes looking for his siblings. The smile was gone but he couldn't keep his left leg from tapping.
"Oh JJ, darling, it's not even close to the time when they will be home." His mother's soft voice filtered into the room.
He turned his head and smiled at his mum. She came up to him, and rubbed a dirt stain from his forehead.
"I know mum. I'm just too excited to see them."
"They'll be here soon. Guess who is also coming?" His mother was on her haunches now, on eye level with him.
"Jackson?" His voice rose in excitement.
His mother gave him a big, bright smile and the little brown eyed, brown haired boy jumped around in excitement.
His head flew around in lightning speed, earning a chuckle from his mother. She backed away, allowing her youngest son to greet his older siblings from the port window. It was a tradition they did every holiday, something that started the first time JJ was aware his older siblings left for the year.
"Charlotte! Charlotte!" The small voice shouted from the upstairs window, the big smile on his little face lighting the evening up.
Charlotte slowed down, Jayden, her twin, coming up behind her. They looked up at the port window, their eyes meeting their younger brother's big eyes.
"JJ! Come down here softy!" Charlotte called up, dropping her luggage on the front steps.
JJ turned and ran down the stairs, almost tumbling down the winding stairs with his small feet. He had grown in the months since his siblings left for school and he still hasn't got used to the extra length in his legs. He was giggling the whole way down.
He ran through the house, skittering past the various plants. His father had shouted something but it was lost in the rush of seeing his siblings. He ran through the open door and clambered over his siblings' school trunks that were lying haphazardly on the front steps.
"Charlotte, Jay!" His sweet, high voice filled the night air.
The thirteen year old twins sank to their haunches, opening their arms to hug their little brother. He flew into his older siblings' arms, laughing. They hugged him hard, just as happy to see the little wild one.
"I'm so happy you're home!" He shouted, "And Jackson is also coming, this is the best winter holiday ever!"
The twins laughed and hugged him even tighter, making him giggle even more.
"You've gotten so tall, John." Charlotte mused later that evening, as she watched her little brother whirl around the house.
She was sitting on the couch, their brothers already upstairs in their respective rooms.
"My name is JJ, not John," His reply was cross but softened up, "I have something for you."
JJ had spent the last twenty minutes searching for something he wanted to give to his older sister. He loved his big brothers but Charlotte was his favourite sibling. He grinned as he finally found the little box, hidden behind a fern plant. He turned around and walked over to his sister, a solemn look on his little face.
"Here you go, I got this just for you. Don't tell Jay and Jacks, please."
"Sure love." Charlotte nodded and gently took the box from her little brother.
"Open it." He had a big, excited grin on his face.
He couldn't wait till she saw the gift he had bought for his sister. He had got a few other things for his brothers but this was a special gift for him to give.
She nodded and opened the box, her eyes falling on a beautiful, gold hippogriff necklace. It was flying, the necklace obviously charmed by her parents. The long wings were flapping and its' legs were moving like it was running. She put the delicate necklace on, moving her espresso hair out of the way.
"Thank you JJ." She choked out, as she tried to stop herself from crying.
The seven-year-old walked up to her and gave her a quick hug.
"You're Miss Hippogriff now."
"And you're Mr. Softy." She grinned up at him.
He giggled and it was at this point that he realized he had never been so happy in his short life before.
They were home and he wasn't alone anymore.

Here Right Now | Charlie Weasley
FanfictionCharlotte wasn't always a sentimental person, not until her world was thrown upside down by a horrible accident. Then, to make matters worse, her parents decide to move her and her twin brother, Jayden, to London. It's a far cry from their humble ho...