Thanks to XxRossSkyshipperxX for informing her readers about scary ass clowns, she is not the only one concerned.
As you may know, they are in South Carolina, Ohio, AND Indiana (Where I live!) People are going around dressed as clowns kidnapping/murdering/beating children. She is (unfortunately cuz I scared) correct.
People in Indiana ACTUALLY SPOTTED CLOWNS WALKING AROUND AT NIGHT! I know its true because EVERYONE IN MY SCHOOL (Yes, EVEN THE LITTLE KIDS) was talking about it. The little kids were saying weird stuff like "I am not getting raped by clowns." YES! THEY ACTUALLY SAID THAT!
I want ALL of you guys to stay safe.
Dont go outside after dark.Now, wish me luck cuz I am goin to the mall ALONE. I dont know why but I am.
Bye climbers!!
139 Words...
Saving Ross (A SkyMedia Story)
Avventura"ADAM! ADAM!!!!" Sabrina cried. "WHOA! SABRI CHILL! What is it!?" Adam said. "WE LEFT ROSS AT THE OFFICES! BY HIMSELF! YOU KNOW HE CAN'T BE ALONE FOR LIKE MORE THAN 10 MINUTES!" Sabrina cried more. "OH SHIT! GUYS WE HAVE TO GO NOW!!" That will beco...