What's Going On?

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A twig snapped behind me as I stood in the clearing of the cold woods. I could hear the crunching of the new snow under its feet. I started shaking. I don’t know where I am or how I got here. I’m cold and scared. All of the sudden something jumped at me, a big black wolf with cold yellow eyes. He pinned me down and I screamed. ‘I’m going to die’ was my only thought. “Get off!” I yelled and tried to get free from the rouge’s strong grip. He tried to bite me but I moved just in time. I punched him as hard as I could, I’m sure it hurt me more than it did him. He yelped and staggered a little bit. I took this moment to stand and run as fast as I can deeper into the woods. He was running after me and he was mad. I tried to run faster. I just wish I could shift but I don't know how! He jumped at me and I ducked which caused me to loose balance and I fell. He bit my shoulder. I screamed in pain and I started bleeding, a lot!

Just then a grey wolf with bright green-blue eyes and a half black face and black paws jumped at the pure black rouge and pinned him. The grey one grabbed the rouge by the throat and literally ripped it out. There was so much blood. The rouge died instantly.

The snow under me was soaked with blood. The pain in my shoulder was excruciating and stared spreading everywhere else. Black spots started invading my vision and my head was pounding. I’m losing too much blood. I blacked out as the grey and black wolf started walking toward me.

****3 Hours Later****

I woke up to a very loud conversation outside the hospital room door. It was an argument:

“Dustin he’s not safe out on his own!” A girl’s voice said sounding quite angry.

“Dawn he’s rouge. You shouldn’t have even saved it! What were you even doing out there alone! You could’ve been hurt.” said a man’s voice. I’m guessing the woman is Dawn and the man is Dustin.

“It doesn’t matter what I was doing! He’s not a rouge Dustin I can tell. He’s staying here whether you like it or not! He couldn’t even shift when the rouge was attacking him! He needs our help and I intend to help him.” She said. I could hear the agitation in her voice. They got quiet so I couldn’t hear what they were saying anymore. She walked in her face lit up into a smile when she saw me.

“Your awake!” she said with a big smile. She was gorgeous. She had light blonde hair and her bangs were colored light rainbow. She was wearing ripped black jeans and a hoodie that said 'Bad Wolf' on it and a pair of black combat boots. She had and hourglass figure and a kind face. She was about average height for a girl and she smelled amazing.....because that's not weird. I just stared at her probably looking like an idiot but who can blame me? I'm in some hospital I was attacked by a huge wolf and now there are complete strangers talking to me like they've known me forever!

 "My name's Dawn." She smiled. "I'm the wolf who saved you."

"Hi. I'm Jason." I said back still a bit hesitant. "Now where am I?"

"Oh your in the Silver Mist pack's hospital. I brought you here." She said. A very intimidating man walked in just then. Dawn looked back at him then back at me.

"This is Dustin. He's the Alpha of the pack." She smiled. She seems like one of those girls who always comforts everyone

"And you are?" Dustin said looking at me expectantly.

"I'm Jason..." I said back. He looked back at Dawn and then exited.

"Sorry about him. He's gotta be the tough guy all the time, ya know?" She giggled. "Well your doing pretty well so here are some clothes and I'll wait outside the door and when your changed just c'mon out. I'll show you around and we can eat. Ok?" She said.

"Yeah ok. Sounds fun" I said and laughed a little. I watched her get up and walk out and shut the door behind  her. I got up and got dressed in the jeans and long sleeved shirt she gave me. I put on the converse she gave me and went to the door.

Dawn was down the hall a little. She looked like she was being teased and picked on by a couple other girls. I walked down there.

"Dawn? You ready?..." I said. The two girls that were picking on here stopped and looked at me.

"Yeah. C'mon..." She said and walked a head of me.

We went for a walk and she explained everything to me about Silver Mist and after that we got some dinner and Dawn showed me where my room was. It was just a little ways down the hall from hers.

"If you need anything just come find me ok?" She smiled. I'd only known her for a day and I felt really close to her. It's a good feeling.

"Of course" I said and smiled back. "Thanks for the little tour."

"No prob Jason." She giggled and started walking back to her room.

"Hey Dawn?...." I called after her.

She turned around on her heel and looked at me, curious. "Yeah?"...

"Thanks for saving me too....." I said kind of quietly. I'm really glad she saved me...

"Your welcome." She said with a gentle smile and then walked into her room and shut he door.

I changed into just my boxers and laid in my bed until I fell asleep. I'm not sure why but I couldn't get over the way Dawn smelled and how close I'd gotten to her in just a day.....

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