t h r e e

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[a day later, Saturday 5:46pm.]

@bi_fry: noice space aesthetic profile picture

@spacegay: you again??

@bi_fry: wow not even a thanks? what an asshole.

@spacegay: wow another text from this stranger? what a weirdo.

@bi_fry: touché spacegay

@spacegay: don't call me spacegay

@bi_fry: why not? it is your user, is it not?

@spacegay: it is, but I wasn't the one that made it, my """friend""" did, but i'm too lazy to change it

@bi_fry: hah, my friend didn't choose mine. i will forever be proud of bi_fry

@spacegay: yeah okay i don't care

@bi_fry: right of course you don't spacegay

@spacegay: what did i just say??

@bi_fry: i have nothing else to call you! so spacegay it is until i get a name

@spacegay: keith. just call me keith.

@bi_fry: awh, friendship achievement, name achieved :))

@spacegay: whatever

@bi_fry: lance. call me lance.

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