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[Thursday 1:42am]

keith's purple eyes were trained on lance, the last statement spoken from lance confused keith, but he wanted to hear more. "what do you mean your oldest brother just got home?" keith asked in a low voice, as gently as possible.

lance looked over at keith, his blue eyes clouded with an undistinguishable emotion. "my oldest brother is an ass." he said with a dry laugh, trying to smile as best he could. keith frowned, his eyebrows furrowing together.

"he has been an ass for as long as i can remember. my mother said that he used to be a nice young boy who cared for his younger siblings, but with the way he is now, i can't believe that for a second." lance murmured, drifting his eyes off to the side.

"what happened?" keith asked. why wouldn't lance believe that his brother could be kind. what happened between his family.

"well, my brother just, doesn't care about anyone in my family. he calls my mother an old hag who has no respect for her children.." he muttered, his eyes changing from sadness to anger. "he calls one of my sisters a slut, another a whore, he calls my other brother a feminine ass.." lance stated. he clenched his fist and pursued his lips into a thin line. "he called me a stupid gay ass the first day i brought my first boyfriend home..." he said, in a low voice. the anger for his oldest brother burning a fiery pit on his stomach. his face shaped into such anger, even keith was scared of the boy before him.

keith got up from the chair he sat at, and stood next to lance. he placed a hand on his shoulder, he was feeling sadness for the male next to him. he kneeled down slightly and placed his other hand on lance's other shoulder. "i'm sure your family is none of those things.." he stated in a low voice.

lance leaned forward, burying his face in keith's shoulder. the pale man was taken aback by the gesture, but smiled softly. lance smiled as tears streamed down his face.

"sorry." he murmured.

"for what?" keith asked, raising a single eyebrow.

"for coming out of nowhere and just crying.. in the middle of the night too." he said, laughing slightly and pulling back. he wiped at his tears and gave keith the best grin he could.

keith let out a small laugh and shook his head. "don't worry about it." he stated with a smile.

"your neighbors probably hate you more then they already seem to though." he said remembering when keith went to get him before.

keith let out a laugh and nodded slightly. "yeah probably." he muttered.

keith looked over at the clock, it was going to be two in the morning and they had school in the morning. he looked over at lance, who obviously didn't want to be home.

"you can stay over, you know." keith said.

lance looked over at keith and gave him a smile which was basically pouring with the words 'thank you.' keith smiled slightly and walked over to his couch. "you can sleep here, i have extra blankets in my room. the couch is obviously not the most comfortable thing in the world, but it's decent." he stated.

lance got up and walked over to keith, lowering his head to be face to face with keith and leaning in so close that their noses just barely touched. "you sure i can't just sleep with you~" he hummed in a suggestive low voice.

keith's face quickly gained a flush of color and he looked to the side and pushed lance's face away from his. "of course not!" he mumbled in a yell like whisper.

lance laughed a genuine and happy laugh, keith rolled his eyes, but a smile couldn't help but crawl it's way onto his face. he brought blankets from his room and placed them on the couch along with an extra pillow. they bid each other goodnight. lance throwing keith a fake kiss while keith's face flushed with color and he rolled his eyes just walking away.

lance is too much smh lmaoo
angst is truly the best kind of writing ;)) haha
also, i have a personal book now?? go check it out, you can learn stuff about the trashy author ;)
ill also be posting updates on my books, stuff, and upcoming books that I have in my drafts, so yeah, go check it out ;;)))

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