Chapter One

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Let's all just agree on one thing right now: Ziva David is a bloody badass. I'll settle your fears right now: she will be in "Civil War" when I do it.

Oh . . . and with the lovely TAngel96's help, I've figured out the teams. }:) Thank you very much, Miss Rogers.

Onto the HYDRA raid!


Far Woods


As the other Avengers dealt with the HYDRA forces on the ground, Stark flew right towards the ruins. Right before he hit the building, however, he bounced off, going off balance. "Shit!" he shouted.

"Language!" Steve admonished. "JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?"

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield," Stark's AI answered. "Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA bases we've taken."

"Loki's scepter must be here," Thor declared as he flung his hammer about. "Strucker couldn't mount his defense without it." Thor summoned his hammer to one HYDRA agent, knocking them out of the battle, before summoning it to his hand. "At long last."

Natasha tossed a grenade towards a group of HYDRA agents, letting it explode before leaping at them. She wrapped her legs around one's neck and put one of her fists into his neck; she did the same to another agent nearby. With two quick shocks, both were out for the count. She landed in a crouch and let out a puff of air, getting her hair out of her eyes. "At long last is lasting a little long, boys."

Gibbs looked out from where he was hiding behind a tree before sniping one person off Clint's back. The archer nodded at him before firing one of his explosive arrows at a bunker nearby. "Yeah," Gibbs remarked, looking around for new targets, quickly aiming away from McGee as he ran past. "I think we lost the element of surprise."

"Wait a second, no one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said 'language?'" Stark asked in annoyance.

"I know," Steve rolled his eyes, getting off his bike and tossing it over his head. It smashed into a truck driving up, and he watched as DiNozzo and Ziva wheeled their bikes past, taking them all out in just a few shots. "It just slipped out."


"Sir, the city is taking fire," JARVIS reported as Stark flew towards the HYDRA base again.

Stark sighed. "Well, we know Strucker's not going to worry about civilian casualties. Send in the Iron Legion."


As Clint aimed to take out another bunker, he heard a grunt from behind him. He turned to see Gibbs land face down in the snow, wincing. Before he could react, Clint, too, was knocked to the ground. He winced and rolled over, watching as a young man with light hair walked by, smirking. "You did not see that coming?" he taunted before zooming off.

Clint scrambled to his feet to try and get another shot. Before he could, though, the bunker behind him fired, and he cried out, falling to the ground. "Barton!" Gibbs shouted.

"Clint?" Natasha cried.


Steve watched in stunned shock as a silvery blur shot by and knocked DiNozzo's and Ziva's rides out from under them, then grunted when he was hit. He groaned as he got back up, DiNozzo and Ziva running over. "We have an enhanced in the field," Ziva reported.


"Clint's hit," Natasha reported as she knelt by Clint's side, Gibbs coming over to help her.

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