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annabeths pov

Waking up around 2am us not fun because Percy's and my child that we had. She was born about 5 days ago a d it was nearly impossible to get her to sleep because she would always wake percy and I up in the middle of the night. I walked over to Christina's crib and picked her up and cooed to her "shhhh" I began bouncing her a bit that got her to stop crying for 10 minutes and then she decided to cry again. "WAA!" The cry shook the house "Ugg" i groaned. I placed her on her changing table to see if her diaper was full, I found nothing in it. "Percy the baby is hungry", I shook him awake "5 more minutes" He groaned "PERCY GET YOUR BUTT UP YOUR CHILD IS HUNGRY SO GO DOWNSTAIRS AND MAKE THE BABY FORMULA!!" I yelled at him. "FINE!" He yelled back the baby has been making us fight a lot. I went downstairs with percy

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"Babe the food is ready" He said giving me the bottle so I could feed Christina. "Im sorry that I yelled at you percy im just so tired" I said while feeding the baby "Its fine", Percy said giving me a crooked grin. Finally all the baby food was out of the bottle and then Christina decided to start crying again "You have got to be kidding me" Percy groaned rubbing his forehead. "Gods she smells Im gonna go change her diaper Seaweed brain" "No let me wise girl" "Percy you have work in a hour go get ready" "So your point is wise girl?" "Percy my point is go get ready for work" "Fine you win" He said giving me a kiss on the cheek. After I changed Christina which was not fun at all I gave percy a small kiss on the lips "Love you seaweed brain" I said before he went to leave for work "Love you too wise girl" Percy said giving me one last peck on the check. Then he was off to work, I heard Christina wailing from percy and mine room (we put her crib in our room in case of monsters) I went to check on her and her face was red she was laying face down which startled me because she could of suffocated so I picked her up and brought her downstairs to feed her break first. I set her down in her high chair that Jason and Piper gave us and gave Christina her bottle. She held it with her hands and started shaking it and threw it on the floor and started laughing hard. I recorded it for percy on my phone so I could send it to him, I bent down and gave her here bottle and she started throwing her arms up and down and kicking her feet. "What are you so happy about?" I asked happy and confused she pointed to door and started making these sounds I looked over expecting a gorgon but I saw Seaweed brain " Percy you should be at work" I said as he came over to christina and I "Work got canceled" Christina started poking at the high chair and making weird noises while she wasn't looking Percy started tickling her Christina was laughing her head off. So I started recording it on percy's phone so I could send it to sally. "Babe im gonna go take a shower", Then he kissed me Christina made gagging noises I started laughing " You think thats gross?" I said while slightly laughing she nodded her head up and down really fast.

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After seaweed brain got out of the shower he came down shirtless "Wise girl are there any shirts in the dryer?" "Yeah go check" "Thanks love" he said giving me a peck on the lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2013 ⏰

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