chapter 2

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(The next day I went to school like any other say and the day just seemed to not end. I wanted to get to the weekend so I can go with my father to that house. All the while in journalism I didn’t want to tell them anything that I was planning on doing. I wanted them to think that I wasn’t going to take our assignment seriously. I wanted to show them that I am just as smart as them.)

(When the day finally ended I ran home to see if my mother was home, in which she was.)

Sophy: Mom what are you doing here?

Stacy: Well sweetie I’m glad to see you too. (She said looking at me like she was upset.)

(I didn’t want to tell her that I was going over there to try and get him to go to the house a day early. I couldn’t wait to get to that house. For some odd reason I wanted to head over to my dad’s house where I knew his stupid wife would be. But I knew that I had to get there or I would just some how die of waiting.)

Sophy: Sorry, I just wanted to go to— (I stood there and thought for a minute)

Sophy: uh dad’s house.

Stacy: Hu really, you’re not just lying to me? Cause if you are—

Sophy: What, why would I lie to you? I am just going over there to spend time with my dad. You know I haven’t seen him in over a year?

(She looked at me and glazed into my eyes.)

Stacy: Well I am going to call him to make sure you’re not lying.

Sophy: Why all of a sudden you want to act like I am such a bad kid that I need to be watched? You know that I am a good child. Jeez mom really calm down and take a chill pill to relax, I’m not going to go do anything else.

(I knew I had made her upset but I really just wanted to get over to his house. When I thought about what I had done I realized that I never even had to come home, I could have just went straight over there. But I really wanted my mom to know that I was going to a house that is safe. My mother has never been more protective of me before, but I knew that she only did that because she is worried that I will turn out like my brother.)

(I tried to comfort her.)

Sophy: Mom you know I’ll be OK.

Stacy: Yeah, Yeah I know but—

Sophy: No but’s just yes, I can go.

Stacy: Go girl before I change my mind.

(I was going to say something but I really didn’t want her to say anything else so I just ran out of the door.)

(It took me about 10 minutes to get to my dad’s house because on the way I saw a dog that was about 4 foot 6 and he didn’t look like he liked people. So I ran as fast as I could down the street. The big black dog broke off of his chain and chased me. When I looked back and saw that he was chasing me I tried to run fast. As soon as I thought I had gotten away I fell. I fell and hit my face on the concrete. I screamed in pain while the dog drew closer.)

Sophy: AHH! Oh My Gosh, Ow this hurts. (Panting loudly)

(I look up to see the dog standing right in front of me growling as if I had taken his food.)

Sophy: Nice doggie, you know you’re a nice doggie.

(The dog just sat there and looked at me I jumped up and realized that I had just fallen on my face, my leg was hurt pretty bad, but I still attempted to run.)

Sophy: Oww, oww doggie I’m sorry for what ever I did, I’m sorry.

(I fell to my knees with a tiny tear running down my cheek. I fell to my chest and hit the dirt. I was laying face first in the grass when the dog had run up and almost took off my foot. I tried to fight him off but he had his teeth pretty far into my shoe. At that point I truly thought that I was dead. When someone came out and started yelling at the dog.)

Danniel: Get dog, get away from her.

(I looked up in surprise.)

Sophy: What are you doing?

(She looked at me and just stared; I wondered why she helped me and didn’t just let the dog kill me.)

Danniel: Sweetie get up, hurry!

(I jumped up partly surprised again that she wanted me to be OK, and that’s when I thought, she’s just playing me and is going to get me later.)

(I started running and left her with the dog.)

Danniel: Sophy, you’re going to just leave me with this dog?

(I looked back and started to feel bad for her, she had helped me and I knew I had to turn back and help her out a little. That didn’t mean that we were friends now.)

Sophy: Alright, uh (I looked around looking for something to throw at the dog.)

(When I turned around there was a trash can. When I opened it there was a chicken bone right on top. I grabbed it and ran towards Danniel.)

Sophy: Here doggie, fetch! (I threw the bone as far as I could. The dog ran frantically towards it.)

Danniel: Thank you!

(I didn’t want to welcome her but I did anyways.)

Sophy: Yeah you’re welcome.

(She walked me to the house and both of us where tired.)

(When I got to my dad’s room he wasn’t in there, he was outside just sitting there.)

Sophy: Dad, what are you doing?

(He didn’t answer.)

Sophy: Well dad I was wondering, could we go today?

(He looked back and smiled.)

George: Alright (Stood up.)

George: let’s go

(We got in the car right away and he just drove off, he didn’t even say goodbye to Danniel, and I didn’t even tell him that she was basically attacked by a dog. But I didn’t care.)

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