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"Still cannot believe you 'hung out' with NJ last night" Maria said, air quoting 'hung out'.

"You're making sound so much bigger than it really was Mar, honestly it was a one time thing..he just wanted to.. i don't know get to know me? But don't worry I'm done with him, hes done with me therefore there is nothing to worry about..zippo na-da..comprendo?"

"Yeah yeah..but you seem less stressed about him, just last week you would cringe at the sound of his name."

"First impressions matter, but i did get to know him and from what i know hes not that terrible."

"alright Violet" She sighed stuffing her morning class books in the bottom shelf of my locker. 

"dont forget your books after lunch" I reminded her, but occasionally she would.

"I wont"

We both grabbed change out of our pockets and headed into the large cafeteria line, looking around the cafeteria i noticed the boys football was unusually rowdy today, they probably had a big game tonight. Looking back at the line up i realized it wasn't moving, i nudged maria and nodded my head in the direction of the vending machines. On days like this when most of the senior students were craving a pizza lunch the line never moved, so we always ended up getting cheap salted nuts or caramel covered pretzels from the vending machine.

I popped my $2.50 in coin slot and clicked A6, a minute later a small pack of regular pretzels plopped out, i grabbed the bag opening it and took a pretzel out waiting for maria to get her snack.

She always took ten years to decide what she wanted to eat, even at home or at a restaurant..she was never good with choices. I leaned back on the vending machine pulling out another pretzel to eat, pulling out my phone and checking my recent texts i went to pop the pretzel in my mouth when someones hand snatched it. 

"Hey what the hell!" I looked up at the asshole who took my pretzel. "NJ fuck off." I pushed myself off the side of the vending machine and went back to Maria. "hurry up..please" I whispered to her.

Niall came up behind me, sticking his hand in my packet of pretzels grabbing a few more.

"NJ! Stop i paid for this you jerk" I glared at him.

"oh suck it baby girl"

"you're pathetic" I shot him daggers. 

I smelt the horrific smell of bubble gum and some sort of shit flower, i looked behind NJ and the ever hideous sight of Nicole came marching up.

"I couldn't help but over hear your disgusting argument over damn pretzels, and Violet i just want to suggest, that you give NJ the baggy-" She picked the packet out of my hand with her two fingers like the prissy bitch she is. "-hes doing you a favor i mean..these are 19 calories each and c'mon we all know you need to shed a little before you buy a dress for the Beverley Hills themed semi formal! Bye V." She plastered the most fake smile on her face and tossed the baggy to NJ, before flicking her hair and strutting back to her group of friends

I'm pretty sure smoke was coming out of my ears and nostrils, and my eyes were bloodshot. I was fuming my hands were in fists and i felt like jumping on the back of her and ripping out her hair.

Instead i caught up to her, hearing NJ and Maria yell at me from behind to stop i ignored them and pulled Nicole's arm so she was facing me again.

"Nicole i just wanted to say thanks for the suggestion...oh and hey i have something for you too!" Before she could ask what i had to offer i slapped the bitchy smirk of her face.

She yelped and grabbed her face, looking at me in complete shock.

"YOU NASTY BITCH!" She screamed stomping her pedicured feet like the spoiled brat she is.

Crazy Dangerous & Difficult // Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now