Mowing incident [chapter 1]

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Hi there my name is Gwendolyn but my friend calls me Gwen. I live with my mom in a normal house and go to collage at Haywood Collage. Am 20 years old and am single and a bit weird for my age but that's what others say am really fun when you get to know me! I have long raven hair, red lips, pale skin and am 4'9 feet tall. I think of myself as a down to earth kind of girl because I really don't talk much and I love music.  Okay enough about me. 
Beep! Beep!

I was awoken by my phone. I groaned as I searched for it with my eyes closed on my nightstand. After a few minutes of searching I found it and turned it off completely. I than went back to sleep for a few more minutes.

"Gwen! Your supposed to be up by now!" I heard my friend yell as she toke the covers of the bed. I curled up in a ball and groaned loudly.

"C'mon Kate! It's still early! Please give me my blankets back!" I whined as I opened my eyes slowly so I could adjust them to the sunlight rays flashing through my window which was on the right hand side of my bed, on top of the nightstand between Ella and I's bed.

"What are you talking about! You are so late class is about to start in 15mintues!" Kate yelled as she rampaged through my closet, looking for some clothes for me.

"What are you talking about my alarm just went off." I yawned as I got into a sitting position and leaned on the headboard.

"What are you talking about? The bell is going to ring for class in a few minutes! Get up and go shower sleepy head! Now!" Kate yelled at me like am a teenager refusing to go take a shower.

I groaned loudly. "Fine! Give me that!" I said as I snatched my clothes from her hands and went into the bathroom. I took a quick shower than got dressed. I tied my hair in a messy ponytail as I brushed my teeth.

Kate choose a tank top with some blue skinny jeans and a pair of pink flats. She has  very good taste in clothes. I thought to myself.

"Gwen! Hurry up!" Kate yelled while banging on the bathroom door.

"Fine am almost done give me five minutes!" I yelled back. I finally finished everything and got out. I went to my bed and began packing my books in my bag. After that I did my bed, took an apple and we left.

I got to Miss Franklin's classroom door. I took a deep breath than entered.

"Ah! Gwen how nice of you to finally grace us with your presence!" She said sarcastically." What's your excuse this time?" Miss Franklin said with a fake smile. I smiled back as I tried to avoid the gazes people were giving me.

"I woke up late. Sorry it won't happen again." I said with a pleading look.

"I know it won't because after your finished with your classes your going to mow the football field after the boys finish playing. Now you can take your seat." She said as she turned around and went back to explaining. Miss Franklin is a fourty year old lady who has long brunette hair, hazel eyes and tanned skin.  She's very pretty but single. Now I think I know why she's single. She's too up tight and no fun! Now back to me.Everyone was looking at me with amused looks plastered on their faces. I got a deep sigh and went to my seat. Which was at the back of the class. Class went by without me drawing any attention to myself. 




Classes were finally over and I went to my dorm to take a quick nap before I go to the field. As I entered my dorm I found Ella and her boyfriend Kyle making out on her bed in our dorm.

"Ella seriously!! Can't you guys go and make out somewhere else I wanna take a nap." I said as I tossed my bag on the floor and fell down on my bed. She didn't stopped making out with Kyle which was irritating because of that sound that they make when they are making out. EWW! 

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