Octavian's Death, Part 3

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Percy has updated his status: Now that we are (somewhat) back to order, we now have to decide where we will cut Octavian up. Any Ideas?


Piper: In the Big House?

Leo: Way too lax.

Piper: *growls menacingly* Repair Boy...

Leo: *tries to run away, falls on face due to injuries*

Jason: Pipes, not now.

Piper: Fine. For you, no one else.

Percy: Okay... Now that that's over, anyone else have any ideas?

Anka: In the Poseidon Cabin?

Percy: Um... No. Why would you want to cut him up in our  cabin?

Anka: It'll be an amazing show, and I want a front row seat.

Frank: Can't argue with that logic.

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Nico: Hazel!

Hazel: I am old enough, Nico! Stop acting like I'm two!

Nico: I'm 81!

Everyone: O.o

Hazel: You and I are both 14! Years dead and in the Lotus Hotel and Casino don't count!

Anka: She has a point. I mean, I'm 12 and I'm here, so why can't she?

Everyone: O.o

Anka: Oh, Shut Up!

Nico: And I thought Hazel was young.

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Hey Guys, I know it's short but I'm not really in the mood right now. To the Disclaimer!

Anka, can you do it?

Anka: Sure! Demi does not own anything except me and the plot.

Thanks! Bye, Anka!

Anka: Bye!

Bye Guys! Don't Forget to CAVE!


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Peace out, Demigods,


PS. I am a weird person, so please bear with me here.

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