Behold Her.

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Behold  the strongest girl on the planet,
Behold the way she always plasters a smile on her face,
Behold the way she laughs,
Behold the way she walks as if no one can do her any harm,
But also,
Behold her at the end of the day,
Behold her when she trashes around in her sleep,
Behold her when she  fights the demons,
Behold the way her eyes show everything but happiness,
Behold the way she cries herself to sleep,
I did,
And I will always love her,
For all that she is,
And for all that she is yet to be.

OMG RECORD GUYS!!! I WROTE THIS POEM IN JUST 4 MINUTES... I mean I'm not trying to brag about it but DAYUUUMMMM I WROTE IT IN 4 MINUTES 😂😝 I'm amazed at myself 😋✌🏻️ hope you guys like it 💕 vote and comment 😘

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