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"No! Stop, please!" I begged him. "If you don't stop trying to escape it will hurt more!" He yelled at me and gripped both my wrists together in one hand.

"No! I don't want to!" I tried to pull my wrists out of his hand and he slapped me across the face. "I told you to stop moving!" He threw me on the bed and slowly got closer...

- Third Person -

That night Phil didn't close his eyes once, he kept thinking about what happened with the stranger that day. Also he couldn't stop thinking about what Damien said to him.

'Maybe he should have killed me...?' Phil wondered. 'It's not like somebody will miss me or something.' That thought made tears well up in his eyes. He lives a happy life but nobody would truly miss him if he's gone... His parents are always at work, so they probably won't even notice his absence. And even though people don't hate him, he doesn't really have very close friends. He doesn't have anyone that he can talk to everyday, just to tell what's been going on. Or someone that knows every little thing about him, and sometimes, that can be quite lonely. Phil sighed and grabbed his phone to check the time; 3 AM. He turned on his back again and stared up at the ceiling, he was about to fall asleep when he heard something falling downstairs. His dad is working a night shift and his mum is probably sound asleep since it is three in the morning. Quietly he got out of his warm, cozy bed, into the cold air of his room. He quickly grabbed a thick book so he could knock the intruder out with something if needed. He tiptoed down the stairs and opened the door that lead to the living room without a sound.

He tiptoed into the room and noticed a tall black shadow on the wall beside him. This meant that the intruder was standing in front of the only light in the room that was coming from the big windows. Phil quickly moved to a safe place in the room where he could hide but still had a clear view of the windows. Just as he crouched down the man turned around and Phil suddenly ran out of breath.

Fuck, he was gorgeous.

He had thick, soft looking brown hair that curled a bit at the tips, like he straightened it but the original curls were coming back. His brown eyes shone beautifully in the moonlight that fell on his face. His lips were wet, red and looked a little bit puffy, like he had been biting them a lot. Phil almost fainted by looking at him and almost forgot what he was doing. Then he remembered that this - gorgeous - man had broken into his house and was probably trying to steal something. Suddenly the man turned around and looked outside so his back was facing Phil. The boy quickly got up and ran closer to the man, keeping the book ready to hit the man on the head. Then, in a split second the man turned to Phil and slapped the book out of his hands and grabbed both his wrists in one of his big hands.

"Too slow babe. Maybe next time you're faster." His voice sounded so familiar to Phil but he couldn't quite wrap his finger around it. Phil's voice got stuck in his throat and he wasn't able to make one single sound. "What happened love? Cat got your tongue?"

"No." Phil chocked out with great difficulty and the man looked at him with a funny look in his eyes. "Aw look at that, little Philly is scared of the strange man." The stranger taunted. "Wh-what are you doing here...? And how do you know who I am?"

"Oh Phil, you're not very smart are you? I thought you would have guessed who I am, or did you forget our little meet up a few hours ago?" Now it hit Phil, that's why he recognized the man's voice. "You didn't answer my questions." The boy said bravely but backed away when the intruder gave him a cold look.

"Oh how rude of me." He started sarcastically. "I'm here for something very special, something that should belong to me, but does not belong to me yet."

"We did not steal anything from you!" Phil immediately defensed him and his family. "That's not what I'm saying babe, I'm going to take something very special that should belong to me."

"And what is that something...?"



Hi guys! I'm sorry this is not edited yet. I can only align the text on my phone, and I don't have it right now, so I will edit this chapter later on xx

Thank you so much for reading this! :)

no escape ↯ d.h. x p.l. -ON HOLD- Where stories live. Discover now