~Moved On?~

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Y/N's Pov:

I knock on the Cabello house holds door and wait for someone to answer. I heard light footsteps running down stairs and I giggle knowing its Sofia. The door opens and I look down to see my cousin's elated face.

"Y/NN!" Sofia shouts excitedly. I smile widely and bend down and squeeze Sof tightly.

"I missed you so much butterfly princess," I say and kiss her forehead. She giggles and places a kiss on my cheek.

"I missed you too couz," She says. I hear a awe in the background and see Camila smiling and the camera pointing my way. I giggle and watch Camila post the video to her snapchat.

"Now that's done, Where's my hug," Camila pouts and puts her arms out wide. I laugh and hug Camila tightly.

"I missed you Y/N, We haven't see you in so long!" Camila says and her voice cracks at the end. I hug her tighter and kiss her cheek.

"I missed you too Mila, I'm sorry I haven't been able to see you guys," I say. I then see my aunt and uncle come from the living room. I smile and let go off Camila to hug my aunt and uncle.

"I missed you guys," I say and kiss both their cheeks.

"My little baby neice is all grown!" Auntie Sinu says and pinches my cheeks. I laugh and push her hands away from my face.

"Time definitely goes quick," I say and giggle.

"I cant believe you're 20 Y/N! I remember it like yesterday when you and Camila would push each other on the swings and just enjoy being kids," Uncle Alejandro said while wiping a tear.


Jade's Pov:

"Jade, I know you love her but its been 2 years since you and Y/N broke up. And there's a reason you guys broke up, And remember you're the one who ended it. She's the one who started ignoring you and never wanting to hang out. She's the one who stopped calling you beautiful every 24/7 and telling you she loves you any chance she can. You shouldn't be crying over her buba," Perrie says rubbing my shoulder. I sob harder into her chest.

"Perrie I cant help it, Y/N's the one. I don't think I could love anyone the way I love her!" I say between sobs.

"I know Jadey but at least try, I miss happy Jade," She says. I nod and bury my head in her chest and let out all the tears.


Perrie's Pov:

Jade had fell asleep and I was now in the kitchen to the Little Mix household. I feel so bad for Jade, She loves Y/N so much and honestly they were probably the best couple going until nearer to the end of their relationship. Y/N hurt Jade so much by making Jade feel unloved by the love of her life and that's probably the worst feeling. My phone pinged and I saw I got a message from Y/N? Y/N, Why would she be texting me, She hasn't talked to any of us in the last 2 years! I look at the text message:

Y/N- Hi, I just wanted to know how Jade is doing, Is she alright?X

Y/N all of a sudden cares again! Wow, Well I cant tell her Jade's still not over her, Then she's won.

Perrie- Oh yeah she's perfectly fine! Honestly she couldn't be happier X

She texts back straight away...

Y/N- Oh,, Well I'm glad she's happy. I'm sorry for the pain I caused her, Just know I never meant to hurt her.

Perrie- Well you did! It doesn't matter now, She's moved on and happy.

Y/N- Oh, Right. Well I'm happy for her. Goodbye.

I kinda feel a bit terrible. I can tell when i told her Jade has moved on the heartbreak she felt. I didn't even need to see her eyes, Or hear her talk i just know!


Y/N's Pov:

She's moved on! And how can she be fine, When I'm still madly in love with her! But I guess she's happy and that's all i ever wanted, I just have to accept that i made her leave and i cant make her happy. I start to cry immensely and someone walks in the room and wraps their arms around me.

"Don't worry about you're dad-" Camila starts but i  interrupt her.

"I-Its not that, Jade's moved on and I'm still in love with her and cant move on!" I sob. Camila tightens her grip on me.

"Y/N, It's gonna be okay." She says and rocks me back and forth...

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