~One Day~

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Y/N's Pov:

I woke up to my little cousin Sofia jumping on me.

"Sofia Cabello, Estoy tratando de dormer!" I whine. (English: I'm trying to sleep). She pouts and I felt bad.

"dijiste que hoy jugarías conmigo," She whines and I couldn't say no, No matter how much I wanna sleep. (English: But you said you'd play with me today).

"Fine," I groan. She smiles widely and jumps off of me. I smile and get out of bed.

"Let me get ready and I'll be right with you butterfly princess," I say and kiss her forehead. She nods and skips out of my room.


Camila, Sofia and I were walking around Miami. Sofia was in the middle holding Camila and I's hand. We've had a lot of people coming up to us asking for pictures etc but we didn't mind. And little Cabello doesn't mind the attention. We were currently sitting on a bench eating ice cream when a little girl around 7 comes running up to us. I smile and wait for her to reach us.

"Are you Y/N?" She asks shyly. I smile widely and pick her up and place her on my lap.

"Yes I am sweetie, What's your name?" I ask and she smiles.

"My names Lily," She says more confidently.

"Hello Lily, What do you want to be when you're a big girl?" I ask. She smiles brightly and it was so cute I just wanna squeeze her.

"I wanna be just like you, I wanna be on stage singing!" She says admirably. By the sparkle In her eye I know she's gonna make it big one day. I just know.

"When you become a singer, I'm gonna be your number one fan Lily you know that. I'm gonna be cheering you on as well!" I say and squeeze her tightly. She giggles, She's just so cute awe!

"Thank you Y/N! Can you sign this for me?" She asks and gestures to her top. It had my face on it, How did I not notice that!

"Of course!" I say and sign her top, I always carry a sharpie just in case.

"Thank you so much! By the way I think you and Jade use to be really cute together!" She says. I smile a really big smile.

"Me too sweetie," I say honestly.

"Will you ever be together again?" She asks.

"Hmm, Maybe. But between you and me I hope someday Jade and I will be together again," I say. She smiles and holds out her pinkie, I giggle and interlace our pinkies. All of a sudden I see a pretty middle aged woman running over, Who I'm assuming is Lily's mum. I stand up and give Lily over to her mum.

"Thank you so much! Lily never run off again! I'm sorry if Lily bothered you guys," She says.

"Of course not, It was lovely too meet Lily, She's so cute and sweet. You did good with her Mrs..."

"Its Ms, And you can call me Aaliyah. Thanks, She can be hard work considering I'm a single mom," She says. At this moment I could really take a look at Aaliyah's features and she had dark rings under her eyes. I pout.

"I can imagine. Well I promise you the hard work will pay off because from you're daughters ambitions and confidence I can tell she's gonna make it big someday. You should be proud of yourself Aaliyah!" I say. She smiles and thanks me.

"I'm Y/N by the way," I say. She giggles and nods.

"I know, I love your music by the way!" She says.

"We really do! Mommy and I listen to your songs all day!" Lily says.

"Awe thank you guys! Your support means everything to me and I hope too see you too again! Here's my number and when I do my tour in Miami I'll hit you up with some tickets and also I can talk to you guys again," I say and hand them my number on a small piece of paper. I see the smiles on their faces and it makes me smile just as big.

"Thank you so much Y/N!" Aaliyah says.

"Of course, You too are so sweet, And I reckon were gonna get along fine, Espescially little Lily here!" I say and kiss her forehead. She smiles widely and boops my nose. I giggle.

"Well we better get going, By the way I'm rooting for you and Jade," Aaliyah says and laughs.

"Apparently everyone is," I giggle. Even me...

The tour that fixed everything | Jade and Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now