I Knew Jogging Would Pay Off One Day!

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      "Ok so I think I got everything...shirts, pants, running clothes, running shoes, toothbrush, contacts, shampoo, body wash, I think that's everything." I said as I went down my checklist. Me and my best friend (BFF/N) were going to see the Game Grumps at the live showing in Houston, Texas. Even though we lived outside of Houston we decided to stay in a hotel near the convention center as a mini vacation for the two of us. 

     "(F/N)! Get your ass down here before I leave without you!" (BFF/N) shouted from my living room as she turned off my TV. I ran down the stairs, duffle bag on my shoulders. My skinny jeans on with my NSP shirt and my dirty blue shoes with the long laces that always drug themselves on the floor. 

     "What do you mean leave without me I'm the one with the car keys bitch." I said twirling my keys around my index finger. (BFF/N) rolled her eyes as she walked out ahead of me her duffle bag hanging from her shoulder. We jumped in the car and sped jamming to NSP and Starbomb and a few bands from our childhood down HWY 225 until we got there. We checked into the hotel and as we were getting comfortable I decided that I would jog around the discovery green for a while until about 4 pm the event started at 7 which gave me time to get ready. 

     I changed into my jogging shorts and grabbed my headphones. I told (BFF/N) that I would be back in about 45 minutes to an hour. I put my headphones into my ears and made my way down from our room. I walked for a bit just to get adjusted to everything around me. With my music loud in my ears i picked up the pace but I tend to zone out and this time was no different I zoned out and after about 10 minutes of jogging I felt myself slam into someone and land on my ass.

     'BREAK OPEN THE SKY! FORCING UP A BLACK SUNRISE'  was what I heard as I took my headphones out and shook my head.  "FUUUUUU man I'm so sorry" I muttered rubbing my head and looking up. "I tend to zone out when I....." I saw him in pieces, first his skinny body then his facial hair and then i saw his curly jew fro and then his face came together and my brain clicked. Not So Grump was standing right in front me...'I SLAMMED INTO DAN AVIDAN!' I shook my head and snapped back to what I was saying. "Sorry I tend to zone out when I jog." I choked out trying not to make it obvious that I was nervous. 

     "Oh no I'm sorry. I was lost in my thoughts." He chuckled out sounding as apologetic as I did rubbing the back of his head and offering his hand to help me up. 

     Before I could even think about the words that were coming out of my mouth as I stood up I said "Well I mean different minds, different frequencies." I slid my headphones back in and jogged away the farther I got the more flush my face got. The entire jog all I could think about was how I had bumped into Dan and my jog went by so fast. 

     When I got into my hotel room to shower and get changed I opened the door and fangirled out by screaming like school girl. "(BFF/N)WHILEIWASOGGINGIRANINTODAN!!!!!!" I cried at the top of my lungs no words separated. 

     "Uhhhhhhhh-huuuuuuuuuhhhhhh sure you did." She chuckled understanding me...I guess I do kind of fan girl a lot. Ignoring her obvious doubt i giggled and showered. I put on my perfume which smelled like cotton candy and flat ironed my hair and did my make up and afterwards I slide into my clothes. I wore black skinny jeans, a customized StarBomb baseball style shirt with one neon purple sleeve and one neon yellow sleeve, and a a pair of black high top chucks. 

     Once we were ready to head to the panel room we looked at each other and fan-girled for a second then we regained our composure and walked out the door. We repeated this in the elevator, in the lobby, on the sidewalk, outside the convention center, inside the convention center lobby, in the hallway, and outside the panel room. We had splurged and got a VIP pass so we got to walk in 5 minutes before everyone else so we got a front row seat! While we watched everyone else file in we couldn't sit still, we were so ready! 

     As they stepped out a slight thought ran through your mind. 'WILL DAN RECOGNIZE ME!'  I had a feeling the answer was no because his eyes scanned right over me and nothing. I shrugged it off and prepped myself for the rest of this. I smiled big when everything got started. Me and (BFF/N) laughed and had the time of our lives. After they were done we wanted to leave last so we waited until the bottle neck was gone. Once mostly everyone had left we got up and started making our way towards the door. When I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around and saw Danimal standing right in front of me. 

      "HOLY FUCK YOU'RE DAN AVIDAN!" (BFF/N) shouted pointing at Dan. He giggled and looked straight at me.

     "You, you're the girl I ran into across the street aren't you?" He smoothly said. 


     "Oh sweet mother Teresa on the hood of a Mercedes Benz you were telling the truth!" she shouted at me. 

     "I'm so sorry about her she's special she lacks a filter between her brain and her mouth." I giggled hitting her on the arm and covering her mouth.

     "It's fine I know the feeling." He said looking over his shoulder at Arin who was walking off of the stage. "I was asking because something you said had me wondering. When you said different frequencies were you..."

     Before he could even finish I cut him off "Yeah haha. Different Frequencies is one of my favorite songs to run to." 

     "Cool that's the answer I was hoping for. I didn't catch your name...and while I'm at it can I get your number?" He blushed a little bit. 

     I wrote it down on a piece of paper he handed me, and when I handed it to him I smirked. "And next time on game grumps." I said turning around and walking away having to be held up by my best friend in the whole world without being obvious. 

     "You okay there hot stuff?" she giggled leading me away.

     "I knew jogging would pay off one of these days!" I laughed out sounding kind of crazy!

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