Diamonds or Pearls?

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     We had started jogging at the same pace but after about 5 minutes Danny started to lag behind me. I couldn't leave him stranded so i slowed down to match his speed. 

     "You don't have to hang back because of me run as fast as you want you graceful deer you." Dan said in a low tone because I could tell he was struggling a little bit. I blushed redder than the 9th gate of hell. 

      "Nonsense! Hehe." I tried to play off how shaky I was. "If you don't want to do this we can go do something else." Not really wanting to be away from him I tried to salvage what I could of this hang was this? 

      "Actually I was you maybe want to go get breakfast?" Dan muttered so low I almost couldn't hear him.

     "Waffles, hashbrowns...HELL YEAH I WANNA GET BREAKFAST!" I said with a little too much enthusiasm. 

      He just grinned at me and we decided to just check out an IHOP...we agreed that that was safest considering neither of us wanted to change our clothes. I was in running shorts and a warfstache t-shirt and he was in a fan-made t-shirt with some basketball shorts. He was so adorable with his marimo hair tied back in a ponytail, and his red face. He was way taller than me so I couldn't stare too often or for too long or I felt like he would notice my head looking up in the air. 

     We made it to the garage at the hotel...we had to take my car but he insisted that he drive! Before crawling in on the driver's side he opened my door for me and once I had gotten in he shut it for me!

      'HE'S DRIVING ME SOMEWHERE! HE OPENED THE DOOR AND CLOSED IT! WHAT A GENTLEMAN!' I screamed in my head as I tried my hardest to not turn red.

      Once we got there we were immediately seated because it was so early in the morning. I ordered a stack of waffles bacon and hashbrowns. Danny ordered a stack of pancakes bacon and eggs. 

      "No eggs for breakfast?" he asked looking a little curious. 

      "I can't eat eggs they upset my stomach." I said in the same way I've been saying that for years because people always felt the need to ask me about it. 

      "Really? That's interesting! So tell me...about you. You know an awful lot about me and I don't know a single thing about you other than your name and that you like to run." 

      I looked at him and he just started asking me questions and I answered them as he shot them at many questions! 

      "Yes I actually have 3 pets! I have a white husky named Alucard, a golden retriever named Chopper, and an albino pied python named Winchester." he seemed satisfied with all of my answers so far. Without thinking I let out a small giggle because I was having such an awesome time so far. 

     Finally our food was sat down in front of us and I started stuffing my face. Dan stared at me for a second before he started doing the same. We talked the whole time and it was the most uneasy relaxing hour and a half of my life. Finally the waitress brought us the check. I picked up my phone from the spot next to me and I opened the case and started to pull out my debit card. 

     "No ma'am. How dare you think of paying for this outing that I invited you to." He handed the waitress his card. She brought it back and he handed her a 5 dollar bill as her tip. 'Wow what a gentleman!'

      On the way back we just jammed to all different kinds of music. Dan was surprised that I knew as many of the songs as I did. When we finally got back to the hotel it occurred to me. Dan was leaving later today and he probably needs to pack and stuff so I guess it was fun while it lasted. We were walking through the lobby when he asked if it was okay to escort me to my hotel room. I wholeheartedly agreed. While we were standing next to each other in the elevator I thought I felt Dan's hand brush up against mine but I guess I just imagining things. 

     "Hey (f/n)..." he said pausing until I looked up. "smile!" he laughed as he snapped a picture of me and him. He dictated a caption as he typed it out. "After an awesome morning with this beautiful girl...maybe she'll let me kiss her?" He looked up from his phone with a small smile, blushing cheeks, and questioning eyes. My face turned beet red and then everything turned fuzzy. I nodded my head even though it felt heavy because I couldn't find the words to talk with. Everything felt like it was happening in slow motion. I felt his warm hand lift my chin up as he leaned down and kissed me. His scruff tickled my skin but just a little it actually felt kind of nice. I wrapped my heavy arms around his neck as he lifted me up by my waist. It felt like time was standing still...when all of a sudden...

*DING DING*  The elevator door opened. Dan sat me down really quick and pulled me out by my hand.  "Now which room is yours?" he asked still holding my hand. 

      "Uh...uh..." 'SHIT I FORGOT MY ROOM NUMBER!' I thought as I started shuffling for my room key. Finally I found the room key. "Uh...426." I stuttered out. 

     We walked down the hallway holding hands. I was still processing what had just happened. I was fuzzed out when I felt a slight tug on my arm. Dan had stopped walking but I hadn't. He pulled me back lightly. 

      "At the risk of over stepping...can I...kiss you again?" He slightly mumbled, kind of like he was nervous. 

      "O-of course!" I squeaked out a little too high pitched. He kissed me as he lifted me up slightly. 'OHMYGOD! I CAN'T...IS THIS HAPPENING? I'M DREAMING!'  my mind raced. After just a second though I stopped thinking and started feeling everything at once. His lips were slightly chapped but mostly they were soft but they were warm. his hands touching the little skin on my waist felt amazing his hands were soft and they were burning up. His arms were skinny but they had enough muscle to be comfy. Finally he pulled his head back slightly and rested his forehead against mine. 

     "Well which was more fun the waffles or that?" He breathlessly chuckled out.

      "Why don't you just ask me to choose between diamonds and pearls" I lightly giggled out. 

     Dan sat me back down and kissed my forehead. We said our byes, he pecked me on the lips and then started to walk down the hallway...

      I flew into the room where (BFF/N) was walking out of the bathroom. 

     "If you do not sit your tomato faced ass down and tell me everything that happened we are no longer best friends." 


     She was completely silent until she grabbed my wrists and started happy dancing with me!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2018 ⏰

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