Deep In Thought

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     So me and the guys were doing a show in Houston, Texas and I was nervous. Our first Game Grumps Live tour and even though we had already played a few shows I was still shaky. We had just arrived and for whatever reason nothing was calming my nerves. I tried sitting back and watching TV, I tried taking a nap, I tried sitting with my headphones in and just relaxing, I even tried taking a hot shower. Still nothing after a few hours I decided to go for a walk around the big park across the street. 

     I was walking down the pathway deep in my thoughts and not paying attention to where I was going. I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through twitter when suddenly I felt a very powerful force slam into me. Given that I'm a taller guy and I'm kind of muscular I knocked whatever it was that hit me straight to the ground. I looked down and I saw the most delicate girl. She was about (Y/H) she was slim and small. She did pack quite a hit though so i can only assume she had some muscle. 'Oh shit I just knocked over a girl!!!' I thought scratching at the back of my head wondering what to do in this situation. 

     "FUUUUUU man I'm so sorry!" She muttered pulling a set of headphones out of her ears. Her eyes scanned up me slowly. "I tend to zone out when I..." She stuttered rubbing the back of her head. I can only assume it was because she started feeling the pain of hitting the floor. "Sorry I tend to zone out when I jog."

     "No I'm sorry. I was lost in my thoughts." I choked out trying not to make her mad. When I realized she was still on the floor I extended my hand to help her up slipping over myself a little bit. 

     "Well you know...different mind, different frequencies." She said putting her headphones in and jogging away. 

     I was in total shock. Did she just say that? There's no way in hell she did that on purpose. No one knows Skyhill I'm just being silly, I told myself as I walked back to the hotel. As I walked through the lobby I saw her petite figure again. she was getting in the elevator across the lobby. Her face was really red but I'm sure that's from her jogging. I headed up in a different elevator and made my way back to our room my head still twisting with questions. 

     "Hey Dan glad you're back man we need to change and head up to the convention center." Arin said as he threw a shirt at me. I changed and told Arin about my encounter in the park on the way to the panel room. 

     "Man you're just being a bumpkin she just said that to mean you were on different levels." He said sitting down in his seat. I sat next to him getting ready for the VIPs to sit down. I felt my face turn red. I punched Arin's knee and pointed. "That's her!" I whispered to Arin blushing a little more. The entire show I tried not to look her in the eyes because just knowing she was in a row so close made me nervous already.

     The whole show was fun but nerve wracking, I had never in my life felt that self conscious of everything I did. It felt like a blur but in my mind i had resolved to talk to her after the show! So once the show ended I watched her hang around for a few minutes while everyone cleared out. Once mostly everyone was gone I came out from behind the panel stage and snuck up behind her patting her on the shoulder. 

     She turned around and looked right at me and I felt a knot form in my stomach

     "HOLY FUCK YOU'RE DAN AVIDAN!" the girl she had been waiting with screamed way louder than I would have wanted...thank God no one came back in here because of the noise. 

     "You, you're the girl I ran into across the street aren't you?" I coughed out trying not to sound nervous.

          "Uh...uh-huh" She stuttered. I felt my face turn a little red. 

          Then her friend said something really weird I'm guessing because the girl from the park had to apologize but I really wasn't paying attention to what her friend said. 

     "I'm so sorry about her she's special...she lacks a filter between her brain and her mouth." she giggled blushing a little bit. 'OH GOD THAT'S SO FUCKING ADORABLE!'  I thought to myself realizing that i had been quiet for a bit too long. I made a joke about Arin being the same way because I had no idea what else to say. I got straight to the point before i got off track and got silent again. I started to ask her about what she had said in the park. But before I could even finish she cut me off confirming that she had quoted a song.

     She had quoted a song that I sang when I was still a member of Skyhill. My heart swelled and I felt a swarm of butterflies in my stomach. I quickly ran with the punches but I really wasn't remembering what I was saying but I managed to get her number! Oh my good lord I was so happy not only had I asked a beautiful girl for her number and got it but it was a girl who had good taste in music and a girl who knows me for something else on top of the game grumps. 

     "And next time on Game Grumps." She said walking away. As she walked out of the door I ran back behind the stage only to see that Arin had been evesdropping. 

     He smiled at me and bowed. "Well sir it appears that I was wrong...but you're still a bumpkin though." he said as I decked him in the arm softly...I couldn't wait to tell him all about it!!!

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