The Waiting Game

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*BEEP BEEP BEEP! BEEP BEEP BEEP!* I shot up in the bed on the left side of the room near the window. I had gotten up to open the curtains when the events from the night before came rushing back to my mind (which was still a little sleepy). I had given Danny (THE Danny Avidan) my number! A smile crept across my face as I tripped over my own feet to check my phone to see if he had texted me. He hadn't, and in that realization a small frown crept across my face. I sat down in my bed and started thinking. I had reasoned that it was okay to text him first after all we live in a modern age. I opened my message app and when I typed in his name no number came up. I tried typing in every nickname I could think of for him and still nothing popped up.

I jumped out of bed again and started digging through my purse which was on the floor next to the pants I had on last night. I dumped it on the floor and saw nothing (all I really keep in my purse is a small bottle of perfume, a hair brush, my car keys, and my wallet). I stretched forward a little and started digging through the pockets. Again nothing. Then it occurred to me; in being caught up in that excitement I forgot to get his number!

"(BFF/N)!" I screamed with tears in my eyes.

She groaned like a dying whale. "What is it you want child? Mommy is trying to sleep."


She shot out of bed and threw a pillow at me. "JESUS! DRAMA QUEEN CALM DOWN! HE SEEMED REALLY INTO YOU!" She sighed and looked at me and spoke in a way softer voice. "It's been less that a full day. Just play the waiting game."

"You really think that's all I have to do?" I muttered.

"Yes. Now since were both awake at..." she said reaching over to her phone to check the time. "6 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING?! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU WAKING UP AT 6 IN THE MORNING?!" She shouted falling back on her pillow.

"I've been waking up! That's it! He hasn't texted me because he's not awake yet!" I said as that thought occurred to me.

*OH MY GOD I DON'T CARE!* your phone rang from the nightstand next to your bed.

From: Dan the Man

'good morning m'lady! was wondering if you wanted to go for a light jog this morning. since i leave this afternoon.'


As I turned around to tell (BFF/N) she just gave me a snarky look. "Like I said bitch...just play the waiting game." She sighed laying back down.

I had gotten dressed as fast as I could. I told Danny I would meet him for a jog. A small part of the back of my mind told me this was a prank, but how could it be. This was Danny, one of the sweetest men on Earth. I stepped out of the elevator into the lobby when I shot Danny another text telling him I would be out there in just a few minutes. He responded that he was on his way as well. I was walking out of the door putting my phone in my pocket when I slammed into someones back. I started to apologize when he turned around.

"You know...we really need to stop doing that before one of us gets a concussion!" He chuckled out. I took a deep breath in and laughed a little. I was a little shaky but I managed to walk next to him until we got there! Once we got there we were about to start running when it occurred to me. I'm so lucky that I only had to play a small bit of the waiting game.

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