Chapter 15 - Meeting His Mate

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I slid past the big scary guy, into the house.

I'm such an idiot for doing this. Derek wouldn't have wanted me to come in here just to save him. He'd rather die than let me go through anything dangerous. But I couldn't just leave him here to die. I just couldn't.

"Oh, you just made my job way easier, little girl," the big guy said turning away from the door, looking at me. He slammed the door close, walking my way in a threatening way. He looked as if he was about to catch his prey. And that was me.

I have to get out of here before he does anything to me.

Without a second thought, I ran down the hallway towards Derek's room just to see it empty.

Derek isn't in here.

"There's nowhere to go little girl. Your precious father is nowhere close by at the moment," I heard him speak from the hallway. "Should have tried the kitchen first." He laughed. "Too bad you don't get second chances."

He was coming closer and closer every second that passed. I had to act quick.

I walked around the bed, towards the window. Since we lived in a one-story home, it made it easy to climb out the window and land outside without getting hurt that much compared to a house with two stories.

Once I was out, I walked around the house, running towards the kitchen window where Derek was in apparently. I looked through the window to see Derek knocked out on the floor, tied up. I guess the big guy was telling the truth. Is he an idiot overall or is this a trap?

I quickly pushed the window open. As I climbed in I heard the rustle of bushes behind me. I paid no attention towards the noise since it most likely could be an animal that lived in the forest. I put my whole focus within the kitchen because I didn't know when the big guy was going to come in and attack me.

"Derek," I whispered. I rushed towards his side without making a noise. I got on my knees and began to shake him "Dad." I shook his arm to try to wake him up but it didn't work.

I heard heavy footsteps coming towards the kitchen. Just as I turned my head, there stood the big guy.

"I knew if I stayed away for a while you would crawl your way back in somehow. Now I have you and your father trapped here." He cackled. Just then a huge brown wolf swiftly jumped through the open window that I crawled in from and left open, tackling the big guy down.

The big guy fell with a loud thud to the ground. I believe I also heard the crack of a skull. It sounded really bad just like a coconut being dropped to the ground.

The big brown wolf bowed his head towards me to show me he was no harm to me as he sat on top of the big guy so he wouldn't be able to get up if he woke up.

"Thank you," I told him since I'm pretty sure it was one of Archer's friends besides Griffin since he was the only one that wasn't a wolf but a wizard.

"Could you help me?" I asked him as I took off the rope that was tied around Derek.

He nodded his head in response.

Slowly, he got off the big guy, grabbed the rope I just took off of Derek, and tied it around the big guy. Then he came over towards Derek. He lowered himself on his stomach so I could put Derek on top of his back and carry him to the pack house.

"Thanks again whoever you are." I smiled, patting his head.

He barked happily, letting his tongue hang out of his mouth.

"Ew," I laughed. "Put your tongue back in." 

He laughed, which sounded very weird like he was wheezing. I had no idea wolves could laugh or maybe it's just werewolves that could.

Once we made it to the pack house. The wolf led us to a huge room that was filled with hospital beds, and divider screens to divide the beds into little sections. There was a desk by the door to the right that was scattered with papers. A computer sat to the right of the desk with a pencil cup holder to the left.

A girl wearing a burgundy dress, a white cardigan, and white converse shoes came out from a door to the left. Her ash blonde hair was pulled back in a braided ponytail.

"Hey, Bow!" She told the wolf as she walked past him towards the desk filled with papers. All this time it was Bow. I knew it was going to be one of Archer's friends, I just didn't realize it was going to be Bow. Now that I think about it Bow's hair and this wolf's fur are exactly alike. 

"Hello there! I don't believe we ever met before." She said looking at me with a huge smile showing her straight, white teeth.

"That's because she's new," I heard Bow speak behind me. I was about to turn around when I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was the girl in front of me.

"I doubt you would want to turn around." She grimaced as her face scrunched up.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I am naked," Bow responded as if it was something good. 

Then that is when I grimace, scrunching my face in disgust.

"Why are you all dress up Pascal? What happened to the doctor outfit? It looked more professional if you ask me."

"I was getting ready for a party. Either way, it's none of your business Bow. Anyways, I'm Pascal Heron and who may you be," Pascal asked kindly.

"Fable Grant."

"Nice to meet you Fable." She hugged me before asking, "So, what brought you two here?"

"Bow?" I called out without turning to look at him. "Where's Derek?"

"Oh, jeez my bad. I'll go get him."

"What do you mean 'my bad'?" I yelled, turning around to look at him. All I saw was his bare back and butt before he disappeared out the door.

I looked at Pascal. I felt paralyzed. "Please tell me I did not just see that. Oh, my goodness. It blinded me." I squatted on the floor, shrinking into a ball, trying to get the image erased and out of my mind.

"You'll have to get used to it if you're staying here. In the meantime Bow gets back, what brought you here? From what I could tell you aren't a wolf. You smell like a human."

"Archer brought me here," I explained to her still in the same position. "He told me that I was his mate and that he's a werewolf along with Arrow and Bow except for Griffin who is a wizard. Since then I haven't met anyone else or been told anything about the werewolf world."

"Well, now you met me and I hope we could be great friends after this?"

"Sure I would like that," I told her with a smile, raising my head to look her in the eyes so she could tell that I was being serious.

"And for the werewolf information, just come to me if you want to know something. But most likely Archer will tell you everything about werewolves."

"Here he is," Bow announced, walking through the door wearing clothes this time while carrying Derek. I would be laughing at both of them if the situation wasn't so serious in the moment.

"Mate." I turned to look at Pascal whose eyes turned black and were looking at Derek.

"What?" I looked at her confused.

"Snap. Stuff is going down," Bow exclaimed looking excited, but when wasn't he.


Hey, my peeps!!! Sorry for the long wait. I've been dealing with some stuff but that shouldn't even be an excuse soooo. Yeah. I'll update as soon as I possibly can. 

But, so far I've applied to San Diego State University and I hope I get accepted. Wish me luck. Now, I have to finish applying to UCR. I hope they accept me too so I could have my options open. Other then that, life is pretty calm and boring but when hasn't it.

I'll see you guys in the next chapter or in my other stories...

Comment/ Vote/ Get cozy, cuz fall is here and winter is short to arrive!!!!




^^^Pascal's outfit above^^^

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