Chapter 20 - Discovering The Truth

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"Archer! Griffin found something," one of my pack warriors informed me before rushing out the door.

I got up from my desk, running behind my warrior as he led the way.

I scanned the room for Griffin. My eyes quickly spotted him out from the rest. I got closer to see him struggling to breathe.

"What is wrong with him? Why isn't he breathing," I asked no one in specific.

"He went into one of those vision things he does," Bow responded, coming to stand beside me. "He's going through what Fable is going through sometime in the past or what she is doing right now or it could also be something that happens to her in the near future. We are not sure right now. Griffin has been going in and out. He mentioned something about getting a location and time? I'm not quite sure."

Griffin exhaled and quickly drank in the air, trying to fill his lungs with air again.

"Don't give me that look Archer. Whatever Bow told you isn't so accurate as you think. Not anymore," he gasped between breaths, looking like he just ran a marathon.

"Then tell me what is going on. Where is she and why weren't you breathing just now?" I held a stern expression on my face, I felt it. I couldn't control it. I was frustrated and worried. I needed to kick whoever's butt who took my Fable.

"She's surrounded by water," Griffin said more calmly this time. A serious look overcame his face. His eyes didn't look as bright as they did before. They weren't so bright since Fable left but this time they held darkness within them. A darkness that told me it wasn't going to be that easy to get Fable back.

"Don't tell me that Griffin." I gritted my teeth. My hands clenching into fists. A tear slipped from my eye, running down my cheek. "Don't tell me such ridicules things. She's alive, I just know it. I feel her, in here," I pounded my hand against my chest, above my heart.

"Archer," Griffin had a look of condolence, coming closer to me to hug the pain away. 

"NO! She won't go anywhere...without me." More tears trailed behind the first. "I won't let that happen."

"Archer, don't say things like that," Arrow said, sympathy in his eyes.

"She is not gone! Listen to me! You," I pointed to one of my warriors that was hanging around looking hurt and in pain. It was the emotion that anyone would feel if they found out that their alpha or luna were gone. "Go ready the rest of the warrior. We are going to hunt down whoever took Fable! Go, NOW!"

"Archer don't do this," Griffin tried to stop me.

"No one. Not even you. Will stop me from getting my revenge," I slipped out of the room like a beast out to find its prey.


"Are you sure you heard him say he was coming today," I asked Coleman, as I prepared another rock by the edge of the river.

"Yes, I'm positive. Before he dropped you in here, he said something about coming back to make sure everything was still in order. He's just going to do a quick check up on us and then that will be our chance to get out of here."

"How do you know that just by touching his hand will make us change back?"

"He did it to his brother."

"His brother was a mermaid," I asked shocked.

"A siren. We are sirens. And yes, he was. Apparently, from what Stephen told me, his father forced his little brother, the guy that turned us, into a siren for some reason. He never told me anything further than that. He would always have this distanced look whenever he talked about it so I never pressured him into telling me more since that is family stuff and we were close buds before he told me all that. I couldn't get angry with him, but his family is another thing. If I ever came into a close encounter with his little brother, when I am not a siren, I would make sure he never does this to anyone else." His eyes sparked with anger and revenge. 

"What are you going to do once you turn back? Are you going to look for your family. It's been a while since you last saw them. Four years didn't you say?"

"Yeah, about to be five this upcoming winter. I might look for them. I'm not sure." He looked down at the fish as they passed us by, cowering into himself.


"Let me just say that we weren't on good terms before I disappeared from their lives. I doubt they even miss me. They probably think I'm off at Vegas drunk my head off."

"Was that something you did back in the day?"

"No, but it's something I would do if I wasn't here or with them. It was something my past self would do but not anymore. I got a long life ahead of me to live and cherish. I was childish and immature in the past. But I've learned since then."

"I'm sorry." I looked at him, feeling sympathy. He must be regretting everything he had done before, just by looking at his face.

"Don't be sorry for something you didn't do. It's sad isn't it," he looked me in the eyes. "That I had to go through something like this just to realize how immature I was, how I needed to clean up my life and cherish my family. I realized it all too late." He let himself float to the sandy floor. Ever so slowly, he floated in the water until his back hit the sand. "I can't wait to get out of here."

"I agree," I sighed. Coleman and I wandered off in our own little bubbles, stuck in our minds as we waited for the man with the magical hands to arrive.


Hey, there! Another chapter for my peeps. Hope you enjoyed. To be honest, I really got into this chapter. I felt myself get emotional as I wrote Archer's part. 


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March 16, 2018

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