1D Scenario6: You're drunk

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Liam: Your drink in one hand, you were walking around the club, looking for your boyfriend. You had left Liam to go on the dancefloor with your friends, but after a while you started to miss him. As you were walking toward him, you stumbbled, a little too drunk to walk straight. Liam grabbed your arm before you fell on the floor. Your drink spilled over you. Liam took your glass off your hands and put it on the counter "I think you've had enough for tonight" He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and walk you out of the club. When you got home, he tucked you in and kissed you goodnight.

Niall: "SHOOTER!" you shouted. You'd been out for the night, enjoying a little fun at a small bar in town. Alcohol had made its way in both yours and Niall's system. You were now up to everything, with no more inhibition. You and Niall were sitting at the bar, ordering drinks as soon as the previous one was finished. It went like this for the rest of the night. In the early morning, you couldn't take it anymore "It's the last one for me" you said to Niall. "I'm gonna have to agree with you on this Princess. I think I've had enough for tonight." He tried to stand up but quickly grabbed the counter, unabled to stand up, having a headache. You forced him to sit down and you called a taxi. None of you were in condition to drive. When you got home, you were both craving for greasy food. There was a MacDonalds close to your place, so you walked to the restaurant and stayed their until the sun come out, still enjoying the evening with one another.

Zayn: It was your fifth or sixth drink that night. You went out with some friends and your boyfriend Zayn. You were getting louder, a sign that you were drunk. All the other boys around you were noticing it too. They came closer to you, trying to get to you. One of them even had the nerves to touch your bum. You turned to face him, a shocked expression on your face. He was hitting on you hard and you just didn't like it. As you tried to get out of the situation, your words weren't coherent and the guy didn't want to leave. That's when Zayn got in, and made it clear that you were his. He spent the rest of the night by your side kissing you and dancing close to you.

Louis: The party started early and by midnight you were already drunk. Louis was hosting a small gathering at his place and all your friends were here. The night was going well. It was a bit too calm though. You sat next to Louis "It's getting a bit boring. There is no action" you said glancing at the quiet room. "I know"he said "we need to turn this party up!" "Yes. And fast!" you added pointing at Liam who was starting to fall asleep. Louis and you made a plan to put everyone else into the party mood. As he made his way to the radio, you stood up on a chair and yelled "PARTYYYY!!" Quickly you swallowed your drink and forced everyone to dance and enjoy the night. The next morning, the place was a mess, but last night was going to be remembered for a long time... for those who didn't drink too much and could still remember it!

Harry: You and Harry had been invited at a friend's house party. Even if you were tired and hadn't had much sleep this week because of your final exams, you went anyway, because you knew it would make Harry happy. A few hours after you got there, you were more than a bit drunk. Harry was having fun talking to everyone, enjoying a little time off the road. You didn't want to bother him, but you didn't feel well. You felt a bit nauseous so you sat down on a chair and tried to repress your dizziness. When Harry came to see you, he soon realized you weren't good "What's wrong (Y/N)?" "I think I might have drink to much" you answered. "I feel like I'm gonna throw up" you said taking a deep breath. "Do you want to go outside and get some fresh air?" He didn't even let you answered. He grabbed you and he took you outside. You both went on a short walk. His arm was wrapped around your shoulder all along. Your pace was really slow, but he didn't mind, since he was with you. As soon as you felt better, Harry went inside to say goodbye to your friends and he drove you home. 

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