ii. martha

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Dear Universe,

It's Cosmo again, I thought' I'd let you know because there are probably millions of people writing to you everyday. I hate to think I'm one of those millions; even though others would find comfort in being part of a crowd. Crowds scare me.

My best friend Martha, she loves them. I don't even really know why we're friends. She's so different from me. Energetic, really social, loud. I think it's only because we met in kindergarten that we're really friends. She heard the teacher call out my name, waddled up to me with her chubby little legs and just straight up told me: You have a weird name, but I like it.

I'm not saying I'm lethargic, anti-social and quiet; just... people kind of scare me. I'm not one of those lonely girls, depressed, an out cast in her society (although most girls are in fact made outcast's by the modern day media), I'm just that girl at school who sticks to a small group of friends and works for okay grades. Nothing special and nothing less than average... other than the name I suppose.

Okay, bye,

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