xxxix. something good

704 63 9

8th October 2029

Dear Universe,

I don't think 'God' got the letter. Just because something good actually happened to me today. And something good hasn't happened to me in a long time.

Basically, Wyatt, in simplest terms; hugged me.

He hugged me because of my brother, he hugged me because of my life, and he hugged me because of me. And it was good, it was nice, it was fucking fantastic. And I cannot thank you enough Universe, for that little piece of good that I got - whilst a shit load of bad is going on.

I think the best part, is Martha didn't care. I think she's moved on, she usually does - but I can't decide whether she's moved on because she genuinely doesn't like him anymore, or because she pities me at the moment.

I really fucking hope it's the first one, I hate it when people pity me. Not to mention I won't feel so bad every time I feel good. If that makes sense. It does for me.
Shut up,
It so makes sense,

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