viii. lesbians & gypsies

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17th August 2029

Dear Universe,

I kinda wished I started this at the beginning of the year, I mean - it seems a little useless to start so late. Don't most people do it as a New Year's resolution? I s'pose I'm not most people.

There's this boy in my class, Wyatt (I shit you not that's his name), anyway; the other day I was just minding my own business whilst doing my English work, when he called out in the middle of class that I'm a lesbian and I apparently live with a bunch of gypsies. One, I am not a lesbian (although I have nothing against them), two, I do not live with gypsies - only hippies, and three, now I have Emily approaching me, everyday, handing me pamphlets about Christianity and Catholicism

I didn't even know you could be both.

I politely told her to fuck off, because I will believe in a God when I am full and ready too - or when there is legitimate enough proof. Besides, if I were to follow a religion it'd be Buddhism (not just because my mum's one), until then - I'm going to stick to the universe.

Don't flatter yourself, if I could I'd make my own cult that specializes in human anhillation; but I think I'd be sent to jail for that and I can't kill every human when I'm behind bars,

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