xliv. shrines

684 65 12

16th October 2029 

Dear Universe,

Mum's cleaning out Orion's old room today. When he left for college he only brought with him a box or two of his stuff and left the rest of his things at home. Since we now have it all here mum's got her work cut out for her. She's been talking about a garage sale to get some money.

I can't bear the idea of selling Orion's stuff. They're some of the last things we have left of him.

I've heard you die three times in your life. One; when you take your last breath. Two; when the last of your things are gone/destroyed/sold etc. And three; when your name is spoken or thought of for the last time. When I read that, I made an immediate decision to always remember Orion.

I told dad about it and he said he'll help me remember if I help him remember.
I agreed because, when it comes down to it, I'm just glad my parent's haven't built a shrine for him. Tatty has, it's fucking freaky.
I can't go in her room anymore,

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