You know what Time it is....

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So since it's my opinion that nothing goes together quite like art, literature, and music, I thought I'd give you guys some songs that inspired these characters! I don't know if you guys are as insane about music as me, but it's my go-to for everything-- inspiration, stress relief, anxiety relief etc.

For Ebony:

Chemical Insomnia - Epica
The Sentinel- Judas Priest
Titanium - Sia
Happy Song- Bring Me the Horizon
Cut the cord - Shinedown

For Copper:

I am Machine - Three Days Grace
In the End - Linken Park
Sound of Madness- Shinedown
Unforgiven (all 3) - Metallica
Coming undone - Korn

All of these are a little hardcore, but if you like that sort of thing, then I really recommend these!

If you have any songs you feel suit them or you just have one that is your favorite, please comment them to me. I love all genres, and I like sharing music with you guysguys  :)

As always, thanks to everyone for reading!!!!! :D you're all lovely people, and you make me smile!

(That is one of my kitties, Riley, btw!!)

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