Trading: Jungkook

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Fluff/slight smut-trading Halloween candy with Kookie.


You giggled as the woman smiled at Jungkook before walking back inside.

"I can't believe you dragged me out here to go trick or treating.", I said and he flashed his bunny smile.

He was a pirate while I was a simple bunny. Ears and a fluffy tail was enough for me.

"Well you get candy out of it.", he replied as the woman came back.

"I always have to big candy for my adult kids.". She smiled dropping some king sized candy in our bags.

"Thank you!", we bowed before walking to the next house.

This time an elderly man came to the door and laughed when he saw us.

"Aren't you two a little old to be trick or treating?", he asked putting candy in our bags.

"You're never too old.", Jungkook defended and the old man smiled.

"You two be safe now.", he said and we waved as we made our way back home.

Once was made it to our shared apartment I locked the door and we took our places on the living room floor. We exchanged looks before dumping our bags' content onto the floor.

"I'm definitely getting no sleep tonight.", I smiled digging through my pile.

"Aw shit. I didn't get a single Baby Ruth. Y/N please tell me you have some.", he whined.

"And if I do?", I questioned.

"Let me have one.", he begged and I put a finger to my chin.

"You have a snicker?", I asked and he pulled one out of the pile.

I held out the Baby Ruth and we swapped candy bars and continued rummaging through the other candy. Soon we began tossing the undesired candy at each other.

"Yah!", he shouted throwing some jolly ranchers at me.

"Oh I was looking for these. Thanks Kookie.", I smirked grabbing one.

"Yah! Give me back my green apple. That was the only one I had.", he stated.

"Shouldn't have thrown it at me then.", I replied as I ran to the other side of the couch.

"Y/N, never take a pirate's treasure.", he warned.

"Its mine now.", I told him with a smirk.

He tilted his head before jumping over the couch catching me off guard. I quickly shoved the candy down my pants with a victorious smirk.

"Really?", he questioned backing me up against the wall.

He towered over me with dark lustful eyes before moving his lips next to my ear.

"You really believe that going to stop me?", he asked as his hand slid down my pants.

I gasped as his hand brushed my clit while grabbing the candy. He slid the candy out slowly making sure to rub against my clit once more before backing away.

"All I did was get my candy and your already like this?", he smirked walking back to the candy piles.

"Jungkook.", I sneered loud enough for him to hear as he popped the fruity candy in his mouth.

"What? It was in the wrapper. Not that I wouldn't have minded the taste anyway.", he said winking at me.

He let out a giggle as if nothing happened. I sighed before walking back to my spot resuming our trading. I regained my posture as I sent a glare to my tease of a boyfriend.

"KitKat?", he said with a raised brow.

"Hershey?", I retorted and he sighed.

"I only have one, which I want.", he stated.

"Well then I guess you really don't want his chocolate bar then.", I smirked opening the package.

"You wouldn't dare.", he warned with wide eyes as I stood up.

I bit into the crunchy chocolate causing him to jump up to chase me once again. I had the upper hand as the two of us ended up on opposite sides of the couch like earlier.

"Y/N you're not winning this.", he stated.

"Well see about that.", I replied.

I bit another piece off causing him to jump over the couch like last time. I took off to the bedroom laughing my head off. His arms snaked around my waist before he ended up hovering over me on the bed biting his lip. His lips crashed into mine as his tongue began to taste like chocolate. I placed my hands on his cheeks pulling him closer as we were engulfed in a sweet make out session. He chuckled as he pulled away licking his lips.

"You taste good babe.", he stated kissing my nose before snatching the KitKat off the bed.

"Jungkook!! You little asshole!", he shouted and he let out his signature giggle.

A/N- Why am I writing this at work lol. And I started that fanfic based on their comeback. My feels have been attacked.

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