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      After an amazing day with Jake we went to my house and talked to my parents for a little. When I asked them if they had gotten me a present they exchanged smiles and said, " Well, honey. We ugh actually got you and Jake tickets to Cancun,Mexico! If you want to go."  I got up so fast I knocked over the chair I was currently sitting on. I screamed in excitement and hugged everyone when they told me the flight was the next day!!

      Cancun was the only place I really wanted to go. So of course I started packing as soon as I possibly could. And with jakes help I was able to pick enough outfits for a week. After Jake left I went straight to bed so tomorrow would come faster!!

      When I awoke I was super excited for the plane that left in two hours!! I got up and dressed in my favorite dress, and did quick makeup and hair and went downstairs to find Jake waiting for me. When he saw me he opened the door and as I walked by he whispered, " CANCUN HERE WE COME" And with that we were on the plane 59 h (3,589.1 mi)  away from my family.


      When we got to the hotel my parents booked for us we unpacked immediately! When we were finished we went to a cafè called
Mexican Café Home. When we got our drinks we sat at one of the small tables and had a small, ok and hour long, chat about what we were planning on doing for the time we were going to be here.

When we finally decided that we would go to the mall to shop we hopped in Jake's Mercedes and headed to a giant place and split up to our own stores. As I was checking out this super cute black dress I felt a pair of eyes staring at me. I turned around to see no one in the store but me the workers and, oddly, a man who looked around 20. I gathered my stuff and walked out the store only to see the same man following me. And so I do the sane thing and turned on my heel, witch automatically made the man stop in his tracks, and punched him. That resulted in him on the ground with a bloody nose and me turning to see Jake gawking at me and the man. "Well. Care to explain why you just punched some poor boy?" Jake asked after recovering from his shock.

      "Poor boy my smurfing butt! This guy was totally stalking me!!" I exclaimed. Jake just stared at me in shock. By now we had a giant crowd. Jake finally realized the people and dragged me out to the car.

When our pizza arrived at the hotel we ate our hearts out and watched horror movies. Me being awesome I was unfazed but Jake on the other hand was jumping everywhere so I decided to go to bed while he went to walk around.

      An hour later Jake still didn't come back. I was wide awake and listening to my music when I heard the door open. I thought nothing of it thinking it was Jake. Man was I wrong.

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