Unlikely Family, Part One: "See, Things Always Work Out."

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You wisp around the diners kitchen, cleaning the remnants of whats left from the busy breakfast crowd when the door chimes and in walks a tall, handsome fellow with a little girl. They seat themselves as you walk over, the little girl trying fiercely to climb into the booth.

"I got it, Daddy" she says, determined, and he just chuckles and sits down.

"Hi!" You smile, "Im Y/N-" But your interrupted.

"Im Darcy! And im two!" She exclaims, holding up three fingers. 

You laugh, kneeling down to make eye contact.

"Thats a pretty name, Darcy. And a pretty princess shirt." 

"Thanks!" She exclaims, proudly, "Daddy picked it out."

"Well Daddy’s got good taste," you smile, looking up at her dad.

"Im Harry," he says, smiling as you stand back up.

"Nice to meet you, Harry," you reply, trying desperately not to bite your lip.

"What will you two be having today?" You ask, taking out your notepad.

"Chocolate chip pancakes!" Darcy exclaims loudly, making you jump a little, "and chocolate milk!"

"Someone likes chocolate, huh?" You laugh, and she nods enthusiastically.

"Me too." You wink. "And for you?" you look at Harry as he lists off his order.

"Ill be right back." You smile, walking away.

"They’re tiaras!" Darcy exclaims, looking at her pancakes.

"Mhm" You nod, "A pretty princess like yourself deserves a tiara."

Harry smiles, and you place his meal down as he thanks you.

"Since theres no one else here, care to join us?" He asks, smiling cheekily.

"Sure," you smile, as Darcy pats her seat.

"You cook real good," Darcy smiles, liking her lips free of chocolate, "Daddy’s not that good," she she’s her head, sticking out her tongue, making a "yucky" face.

"Hey now!" He says, laughing.

You laugh, looking up at Harry, who just stares at you dreamily.

"How about I cook dinner for you guys sometime?" You smile, meeting his gaze.

"How about tonight?" He replays almost instantly.

"Its a date," You grin, as Darcy lists off the toys shes going to show you.

"Ive never had mac and cheese before," she states plainly, furrowing her brows.

"Lets make it together than," You smile, putting a chair from the dining room next to the stove.

"This is sooooo yummy!" She cries, shoving her mouth full."

"Slow down there, kitten." Harry laughs, "Youll give yourself a tummy ache."

"Okay Daddy," she attempts to say, her mouth full.

"So, what brought you to London, Y/N?" Harry asks, taking a bite.

"Well," you chuckle slightly, "I came for a journalist position, which they gave me, but when I arrived, they had already filled it."

"Thats unfortunate," he states, chuckling a little. "How did you wind up at the diner?"

"I went there one morning for breakfast, its not far from my flat, and they seemed short handed. So, I walked around and collected dirty dishes once I was finished eating, and people started giving me orders. They thought I worked there," you laugh, "They wound up giving me a full time position."

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