Unlikely Family Part Three: "You look beautiful, my love."

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"Watch this!" You hear four year old Darcy yell from the living room, as you prepare yourself for your two year anniversary date with your man, Harry. You knew exactly what she was doing; she was kicking the ball at the wall, making it shoot back at her.

You hear a ball bounce against the wall four times, then something crashes.

"Darcy Anne!" You grumble loudly, walking from the bathroom to find some of the pictures hung on the wall shattered on the ground.

"How many times have I told you not to kick that football in this house?"

She looks down, putting her hands behind her back and rocks on her toes. 

"Seven," she says sadly, knowing she’s upset you.

Louis, sitting on the couch, roars with laughter.

"She’s a smartass, just like her uncle Lou!" He laughs, running over and scooping Darcy in his arms. "How about we continue this outside, Sunshine?"

She nods happily, and he walks over and kisses you on the cheek.

"Thanks Lou," you laugh, walking back into the bathroom.

"Where’s my girl?" You hear the door open, and slam behind Harry, as he drops his bags at his feet.

"In here!" You yell, putting the last curl in your hair.

He walks in, slyly wrapping his arms around your waist, and tucks his face into your neck, kissing you seductively.

"You look beautiful," he growls, nibbling a bit.

"Harry!" You laugh, turning to face him, "No love bites!" You put your finger up, shaking it and walk away.

"Awww come on," he pouts, following you.

You laugh, slipping on your favorite jeans, riding boots, a cardigan and the scarf Harry got you for Christmas.

"Maybe later," you smile, winking, as he bites his lip. 

"Alright, Lou," you start, "Are you sure you will be okay here with her?"

"Y/N," he says, placing his hand on your shoulder, looking at you ressuringly, "I am very responsible."

"Thats it," you proclaim, putting your purse down, throwing your hands in the air, "We’re not going anywhere."

Harry laughs at your reaction, while Louis and Darcy pout.

"Please Mommy!" Darcy pleads, sticking out her puppy dog lip.

You laugh, shaking your head and grabbing your purse.

"Um.." you bite your lip, looking around, "foods in the fridge-"

Louis interrupts, “you don’t say.”

You shoot him a look.

"-you have our numbers. Poison control is on the fridge. There is a list of emergency numbers on the counter. Oh!-" This time Harry interrupts you.

"Y/N, they will be fine."

You nod, biting your lip. You were nervous, primarily because this is the first time you two have ever really left Darcy in your two tears of dating, and secondly, you were leaving her with Louis. 

"Where are we going?" You ask, taking Harrys hand in yours.

"Its a surprise, baby," he smiles, squeezing your hand slightly.

You lean over slightly, kissing his neck, “But I don’t like surprises,” you feel him squirm, “Where are we going, Harry?”

He shakes his head, laughing “that’s not going to work.”

You both pull up to a large, venetian looking building, and when he parks, he walks over quickly and opens the door for you.

You happily step out, taking his hand as he leads you inside. But when you enter, you are suddenly self-conscious.

"Harry.." you whispers, tugging on his sleeve like Darcy does, "I’m completely underdressed!"

He smiles, pulling you close to him and kisses your cheek, “You look beautiful, my love.”

You both walked around the building, looking at the art on the walls, as he knew how much you loved art galleries. Thats why you thought he brought you here.

"Lets go in here," he says, pulling you towards a door that clearly says "Do Not Enter."

"Harry," you laugh, "we cant go in there!" You point to the sign.

"Live a little," he winks.

You look to your left. No one is there.

You look to your right. The same.

Glaring at him, you give in. “Lets go,” 

You smile.

"Mom? Dad?" You look at them, confused. "What are you doing here?" You run up to them, hugging them both, and when you pull away, you notice the room filled with all the boys, all your friends, Harrys family, and most importantly, Darcy.

"What is this?" You ask, turning to Harry.

He smiles, biting his lip slightly.

Darcy claps excitedly, Louis laughing at her, as Liam tries to get her to stop.

"Y/N," he smiles, walking over to you, taking your hands in his, "We’ve been two years today. And in those two years, you’ve made me smile, laugh and cry. You’ve made me the happiest man on Earth, being able to call you mine. But-" he says, pulling a small blue Tiffany’s box out of his pocket, "But theres something missing." He opens the box to reveal a beautifully set diamond ring. You cover your mouth, the tears falling down your face.

"Y/N," he gets down on one knee, "Do me the honor of falling head over heals with you every single day of the rest of my life, and marry me."

You look down at him, completely shocked by what was happening.

"Say Yes!!" Darcy squeals, making everyone laugh.

"Well," you wipe a tear away, "I guess I can, since Darcy approves."

You grin widely as he slips the ring on your finger, then stands, pulling you towards him and spinning you. When he stops, you kiss him hard, making Darcy cover her eyes.

You feel a pull on your shirt, and look down to see Darc.

You kneel down.

"What is it, Baby?" You ask, smiling.

"Does this mean I can officially call you Mommy?" She asks, her eyes shining.

You sniffle, looking up at Harry, then back at Darcy,

"You can call me Mommy."

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