Unlikely Family Part Six: "The Perfect Little Family."

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“How’s this?” Darcy, now six, asks as she spins in circles, displaying her new floral dress.
“You look beautiful, kitten,” Harry smiles, picking her up and kissing her cheek.
You walk up, balancing Liam, now a year old, on your lip, bouncing him as he giggles.
“You ready, baby?” You ask, smiling at Darcy, and admiring her beauty.
Today was her first day of school. You couldn’t believe how fast time has gone since the day you met the two of them in the diner, and how much she has changed. She truly has become a beautiful and incredibly smart little girl.
“Yes, Mommy,” she grins, jumping out of her Daddy’s arms and running over to you, making funny faces at Liam.

“Bye Baby!” You wave, smiling and she skips off to her classroom.
Harry sniffles, then clears his throat, taking his hand protectively on your back and leads you out of the building.
“What happened to my little baby?” He asks, clearly choked up, “She’s grown up so fast.”
You smile, reaching your free hand behind you, lacing your fingers with him, Liam sleeping peacefully on your shoulder.
“She will do fine, Harry,” You smile, squeezing his hand, “She’s a bright little girl.”

“Harry!” You practically scream from the living room, “Harry! Come quick!”
He comes racing in from nowhere, practically slipping and falling on his bum.
“Y/N, what is it?” He asks, out of breath.
“Liam!” You point, “h-he’s walking!”
Liam, shaky on his feet, walks from you to the couch, about three feet, and then topples onto his bum. He crawls back over to you, unscathed, and you help him do it again; determined little bugger he is.
“No way,” he says, laughing and comes and sits, encouraging Liam to walk towards him.
“That’s right, squirt, keep going,” he nods, encouraging him, as Liam falls into his arms.
“Where has the time gone?” You laugh.
He shakes his head, smiling.
“Two big events in one day.”

“You don’t have a grocery list full of things I should know?” Louis asks, putting his hands on his hips sassily, as you grab your purse.
“Leave her alone, Lou,” Eleanor says, walking into the room, tickling Liam.
“We should be back by eleven,” you start, but El interrupts.
“Take your time,” she winks, and you laugh at her.
“There you are,” Harry says, smiling, coming from the bedroom, and he laces his hands around your waist, kissing your neck. “Ready?”
“Mhmm,” you smile, taking his hand.
“Mommy!” Darcy yells, running into the room. “Take your time,” she says, smiling, “Uncle Louis and I are going to play football all night!!” She smiles, holding the football up to you.
“Good luck with that one,” you laugh, pointing at Darcy, and tossing the ball to Lou.

“That was delicious, Harry,” you smile, taking his hand as he drives through the busy streets of London, still populous, even after the sun went down.
“It was, wasn’t it? That steak?” He puts his fingers to his mouth, kissing them dramatically, then smiles, “We’ll have to go there again.”
You nod, smiling and look out the window.
“Its only nine o’clock,” he winks, smiling.
“Yeah?” You look at him, biting your lip.
“How about we uh,” he chuckles a bit, “get a hotel room for a couple of hours?”
You smile, nodding, then getting an idea, pull out your phone.
You dial Eleanor, and wait for her to answer.
“Hey! Um,” you laugh nervously, “How would you feel about spending the night there?” “Mhmm. Oh my Gosh, you are seriously the best.” “You are so bad!!” “Okay, thank you again!”
You grin at Harry, winking.
“How about the whole night?”

Harry you gasp, gripping the tangled sheets in your hands as you arch your back. 
“Almost,” he groans, thrusting harder.
You feel his body tremble, as you relax, him falling in the heap of sheet next to you.
He catches his breath, then swallows hard.
“It’s been too long,” he whispers in your ear, breathing heavily.
“Mhmmm,” you agree in pleasure.
“Again?” You ask, biting your lip, giggling.
He laughs, growling, “I thought you’d never ask.”

The sunshine raves through the curtains of the hotel room and you snuggle closer to Harry, the air conditioner cooling your naked skin. You half expect to hear Darcy run into the room, or hear Liam cry for his breakfast, but you don’t, you just revel in the deafening quite of the room.
You lean over, careful not to wake him, and reach for the room service menu.
After ordering almost one of everything, you roll over, still in Harrys protective hold, and start to kiss his neck “Baby,” you whisper, nibbling on his neck.
“Ten more minutes, mom,” he mumbles, pulling you towards him.
You just smile, taking in the familiar smell of him, and, of course, wait for breakfast.

“I can’t believe she’s almost three months into school,” you groan to Harry after dropping her off. “It feels like just yesterday we were dropping her off.” You sniffle, as he drives away.
“I know, baby,” he smiles, “they grow when you’re not looking.”
You smile, looking out the window.
“Harry,” you whisper, suddenly overcome with intense nausea. “Stop the car.”
He stops immediately, parks it, and runs around, opening the door to see if you are okay. You barely miss him, as you thrust yourself out of the car, heaving onto the side of the road. He stands there, holding your hair away from your face, and rubs your back. You stand upright, holding your stomach.
“You must be getting sick, love,” he states, pulling your hair back into a bun, as you lean lethargic against the cars side. He helps you back into the car, and you look back at Liam, who is sleeping undisturbed, and then at Harry.
“Can we go home?” You ask pathetically, throwing away your plans for the day.
He nods, and as soon as he gets there, he pulls Liam out of his car seat, and his limp body snuggling into Harrys chest, continuing his slumber. He then opens the door, taking your hand and leads you inside into the bedroom. Once he puts Liam in his crib, he comes back, snuggling down beside you.
“Can I get you anything?” He asks, concerned.
You shake your head no.
“I only want you.”

Saturday afternoons were always your favorite; your little family always did something, whether it be making art and crafts or whipping together a batch of cookies, you made a point to have family time. You thought that it was important to distress from the week, not to mention hilarious to watch Harry and Darcy have a flour fight, as you and Liam sit back laughing.
“Mommy,” Darcy says, running up to you, “Can I teach Liam how to kick a ball?”
You smile, and look down at your son, sitting in his fathers lap.
“Wanna play with sissy?” You ask, and he grins, standing up and walking unsteadily towards her.
“Just be careful, Darcy,” Harry warns, “not too hard.”
“Duh, Daddy,” she grins, taking Liam’s hand.
You shake your head, laughing.
“I think she’s been spending too much time with Louis.”
“Agreed!” He laughs.
You lean back into Harry, as you two watch the two kids kick a ball back and forth.
Liam was a natural once he got his footing. Even after he kicked too hard and landed on his bum, he got right back up and tried again.
Today’s activity was having a picnic, even though it was getting a little brisk in the autumn air. Harry wanted to get all the time in outdoors now before you four were shut up inside for the winter.
You lean forward, making little sandwiches for the kids, as well as Harry; you knew they would be hungry soon enough.
“Extra ham,” he smiles, “please and thank you.”
You laugh, as if he thought you didn’t already know. You knew that boy like the back of your hand.
You finish making the sandwiches, then lay back, putting your head in Harrys lap, as he plays with your hair.
“I went to the doctors the other day,” you start, looking up at him, as he stares at you dreamily.
“And? What did they say?” he questions, “Did they find out what was wrong?”
You nod, humming, and look over at the kids, giggling as Darcy tries to balance her bum on the ball, to no avail. She’s just so silly sometimes; Liam gives a full-bellied laugh, making your heart swell.
“Y/N,” he says, bringing you back to earth.
“What did the doctor say?”
You look back over at the kids, motioning towards them with your eyes.
“How about another little one?” You say, looking up at him.
“Are you saying you’re pregnant?” He asks, sitting upright, which unintentionally jolts you forward.
You nod, collecting your composure at the sudden movement, taking in his expression, and he suddenly smiles wide, pulling you up to stand, and then spins you in circles.
“Do you want me to heave again, Styles?” You ask, laughing.
“Right,” he grins, kissing you, setting you down. “I’m just so happy!”
You laugh at his dorkiness, and then take his hand, pulling him at a run towards the children. You grab Darcy, picking her up suddenly and spin in circles, her dirty blonde hair whipping in the wind, as Harry grabs Liam, tickling him profusely, his high pitched squeals emanating throughout the park.
The four of you spend the rest of the day playing football and basking in the love and admiration you all shared for each other. The perfect little family.

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