Unlikely Family Part Two. "He's Different"

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"Are we there?!" Darcy exclaims, to the displeasure of the man sitting behind you for he groans at her.

"Lighten up," you turn and say, him rolling his eyes as Harry laughs, shaking his head.

"We're here!" You look at Darcy, who is now three, and smile.

"Put your shoes on, Kitten," Harry instructs, pointing down at them, as he packs his Mac into his carry-on, grabbing yours from the stowaway.

"Thanks, love," you smile, and he leans over, kissing you sweetly.

"Yuck!" Darcy exclaims, making a disgusted look.

"Oh yeah?" You ask, leaning down, and kissing her all over her face as she giggles and squeals loudly.

"Mom! Dad!" You yell, running towards them as they meet you in the airport.

"Y/N!" Your mother yells, slamming into you, making you drop your bag as you pull her into your embrace.

"Ive missed you!" You exclaim, letting her go and pulling your father towards you. "A year is just too long."

"Youre telling me!" He laughs, kissing your cheek. "You look wonderful," he beams, looking at you proudly.

"Y/N!" Darcy yells, running up behind you, grabbing onto the backs of your legs.

"And whos this?" Your Mother asks, kneeling down to meet eye contact with Darcy.

"Im Darcy and I'm free!" She exclaims proudly, holding up four fingers.

You laugh, shaking your head and put down one of her fingers.

"This is three, babe." She shrugs, still having a strangle hold on your legs.

"Mom, Dad, this is Harry," you smile, taking Harrys left hand in yours, as he extends his right to your father, shaking his hand, then kisses your mother on the cheek.

"Its great to finally meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N."

"Thats my daddy," Darcy smiles, rocking back and forth on her toes, as she pushes in between you two, separating your hands and taking them into hers.

"So how have you been?" Your mother asks once you two have separated from the other three.

"Ive been good," you smile, "fantastic actually." You look over at your father and Harry, who hit it off right off the bat, and then down at Darcy, who looks from one to the other, desperately trying to understand whatever it is they are talking about.

"She's beautiful, Y/N." Your mother says, noticing you look at her. 

"She is, isnt she?" You smile.

"Y/N," she starts, and you know where this is heading.

"Mom, please don't start," you beg, slumping your shoulders.

"What?" She asks, "Im just saying, should you get so attached?"

"Mother, stop." You shake your head, then cross your arms. 

"Ive read about his reputation, Y/N. I just want you to get hurt."

"You don't even know him, none of that is true!" You argue, and Harry looks back at you, noticing your displeasure and frowns, concerned. "Aren't you the one who has always said not to judge a book by its cover? You're being hypocritical," you hiss.

"Is it that hypocritical to worry about my daughter? Especially when she never calls?" She argues back, shaking her head.

"No, its not, but still. Dont believe everything you hear," you emphasis "everything", "and I've apologized for that, mom. You know id call more if I could. Its just-" You sigh, sitting down on a near by bench and look at your feet. "Its just I've been so busy, I neglect to call." You look up at her sadly, "Im really sorry."

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