Sea sickness

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Authors note: This story is one im making with my History project which is a model Trench. The characters in this story are based off of real users. Justin is JS11543 and Rhys is yours truly. I hope you enjoy the story


Justin vomited overboard he was sailing to paris because the Germans are trying to invade france and completely failed at surrounding Paris (which was their original strategy).
Justin wiped his mouth and sat down on the floor groaning. He stared angrily at his friend Rhys who was laughing at him.
"You should've gotten used to the sea by now" Rhys grinned. "You should've learn't by now not to be a dick" Justin said getting up quickly and punching Rhys in the gut. Rhys laughed at him "We are going to war and thats the best u got".
Justin was about to reply but got cut off by Commander Farr the commander of their battalion who was on the boat their squad was on (because a battalion could have a few thousand men). "YOU TWO STOP SCREWING AROUND WE ARE ALMOST AT SHORE" yelled out Commander Farr to the two unsuspecting squad mates.
"My apologies Commander we were just having a bit of banter" grinned Rhys in a testing tone. Justin mentally facepalmed 'why does he have to be such an ass'.
Commander Farr narrowed his eyes at Rhys "YOU'RE LUCKY IM IN A GOOD MOOD TODAY PRIVATE" he yelled, he took out his journal and threw it at Rhys's head. It connected with the top of Rhys's head with a BANG.
Rhys toppled onto the floor whilst Justin was laughing his ass off. With that Farr turned on his heels and walked into his quarters.


Justin was sitting with Rhys on the deck riddled with anticipation and he knew that Rhys was too.
Rhys suddenly jumped up and groaned loudly, Justin looked up and sighed "pacing around wont help with the wait" said Justin.
"How do you know" Rhys said sticking out his tongue.
"You are so childish" Justin said raising an eyebrow.
"How am I childish" he said striking a heroic pose "im going to France to protect Paris you can't get more manlier than that".
Justin just rolled his eyes. "Who are you rolling your eyes at" yelled Rhys, he was going to continue ranting but he was interupted by the lookout who yelled out "SHORE UP AHEAD".

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