Chapter 4: Why

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Cameron's POV

Me and Adrian part ways and I go to History. I don't understand why nobody is friends with him. He is so nice. And cute. And funny... Do I like him? Maybe, but whatever.

I walk into class and sit down in the back. The teacher isn't here yet so the class starts talking. Well, more like yelling. I sit quietly and I was about to put my earbuds in but this guy comes up to me and starts talking.

"Hey, its Cameron right?" The mysterious man asks and I nod. "So you're the guy who is friends with the faggot. What is wrong with you! Faggots like him should die. I hope his emo self commits suicide." He looks at me coldly. Now I'm pissed the fuck off. I stand up and start yelling.

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SO MEAN TO HIM! HE DOESN'T DESERVE WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT HIM! HE IS MY BEST FRIEND AND IF FAGGOTS SHOULD DIE, THEN I SHOULD DIE AS WELL!" I scream in this face. I see him looking shocked and angry. Like I give a fuck right now.

I grab my back and walk out. I don't care if I get detention right now. After I calmed down I realise what I said to him. I just came out. No, NO! I thought I could keep it a secret! I did it to protect Adrian so its okay.

I decide to go to the bathroom for the rest of class. I can't go back in there. Not today at least. I find the nearest restroom and I hear a thump so I go in. Everything seems normal until I see blood underneath the stall. This isn't a girls bathroom so why is there blood in here?

I walk over and try to open the door. Its unlocked and when I open it tears immediately fall at what I see. Adrian is lying on the floor with a razor in his hand and so much blood on his arm. I kneel down and hold him. I cry my eyes out while I grab my phone and call 911.

"Help we are at (Enter school here) and Adrian is covered in blood and is passed out. He tried to commit suicide. Get here as fast as you can!" I say trying to speak clearly.

I hang up and hold him tight. I can't loose him. He means everything to me right now.

*********Ten Minutes Later*********

The paramedics come in and pry me away. I'm screaming and crying while they put him on a gurney. I have blood on me now. I rush to one of the paramedics.

"Can I please ride with you. I'm all he has. I'm his best friend, Cameron." I beg.

"I'm not supposed to let you ride but Ill be nice " he says. My eyes light up.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH" I scream. I run up to the ambulance and get in. I stare at Adrian's cut up arm and start crying again.

"Please be okay. I need you here with me. I came out for you today. I just need you to be okay and alive." I whisper to him.

I stand there looking at him until we arive at the hospital. I walk side by side with the gurney until the doctors tell me to go to the waiting room until further notice. I really want to be there with him but I'll have to wait.

******Three hours later******

"Adrian Bennett"

I stand up and quickly walk over to the doctor.

"Do you want the good news or the bad news first?" I sigh, grateful that there is good news.

"Good news first please" I say trying to stay calm as I have been crying for the last few hours.

"Good news is: he is alive. But the bad news is that he is in a coma. We don't know when he will wake up." He says reassuringly. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Can I see him?" I ask with hope in my eyes. He nods and leads me into a room with a pale Adrian in it. Tears fill my eyes once again.

"He might still be able to hear you so talk to him. Good luck." The doctor says before leaving the room.

I walk to the bed and sit down in the chair next to it. I try to talking to him.

"Hey Adrian, its me. Cameron. I found you in the school bathroom. Why did you do that? What has happened to you that made you want to do that. I will make whoever hurt you pay because I hate seeing you hurt. I know we just met today but I really care about you. I want you to know that and remember it. Please, don't hurt yourself again. What they say and/or do shouldn't matter now that I'm here. I will prove to you that you are perfect and amazing and....." I trail off as I realize something.

" I love you."


That's it for now! Sorry for speeding it up and making him say the L word so early. I just have a lot planned. So.....


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