Chapter 2: A More Hard and Difficult Life

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Theo POV

I awoke with a smile on my face, having a dream about Fia last night. I know that she got the same dream too, and I wish I could see how she responded to it. I don't know what it is about her, but I felt a connection right away, a feeling I don't get with other demons. She will accept to fact soon enough, and even if it is breaking the most major rule in our realm, she's worth it. Her beautiful wings, perfect face...

I had to stop myself. We're not at that point yet, and I'm going to have to work hard for that moment to happen, especially since she most likely won't help me for awhile.

I got out of bed, yawning, and went to my dresser. I put on a tank top because I'm going to have to convince her the old fashioned way, and a pair of athletic shorts. I grabbed knee-high socks and did all of my bathroom business, and shortly was on my way downstairs.

I turned on music so I could get through the day and ate breakfast. Nothing fancy, just 2 toaster waffles and a glass of orange juice. I devour the waffles and chug the juice. I wished I had more time in the mornings, but I get up early enough.

I put on a pair of comfortable shoes and put my backpack on, careful not to locate it where my wings would come out. I then proceeded to go outside, take out my giant wings, and fly in the direction of Midnight High. I know Fia is going to try to avoid me today, but I'm not going to let that happen. I landed with a thud and folded in my wings. I hear the sound of another pair of wings, but lighter. I look beside me and its no other than Fia.

"I see you've missed me," I joked.

"Oh, shut up. You've caused enough trouble in one day to fill a decade." I felt the harsh words pierce my skin and leave a stinging feeling. It might be harder than I think to get her to stop trying to avoid fate. It's not like she's getting a bad award, I thought, chuckling to myself.

I walked into the school building and went to the Demon sector of the school. Everything was dark, some "blood" on the walls and skull designs everywhere. This school was so stereotypical of every other Supernatural beside Angel. I look over to the Mage sector and see it decorated with glitter and cheap magic hats. It's time things change, and me and Fia are going to lead the rebellion.

I proceed to 1st period and sit in my seat next to Fia. I see she has an annoyed look on her face, but can't stop glancing at my exposed arms. I knew the old trick would work.

At lunch, I started staring at her and thinking about what she represented. I know we both feel something when we're close to each other, along with other Supernaturals currently and in the past. But because we have been taught to not even associate with each other, everyone is too scared to confess a hint of their feelings to the other, and end up in a hateful marriage. Why would someone want Supernaturals to mess up their whole lives?

I thought about this through the rest of the day, and noted the small amount of hate the Supernatural History teacher allowed in her voice as she went over other laws that constricted emotions. This has to change, but first I have to change Fia's mind about us.

After school, I stopped Fia before she flew off for the day.

"Fia, I know we didn't start off on the right foot, but I want to make it up to you. Please come to my house later today," I finished, and hoped she would accept the invitation.

"Whywould I-" I heard her start, but them her face expression changed, and instead she said "I would love to start over. See you later," and she flew off. I started to fly behind her and changed direction slightly to be in my sector. I wondered why she changed her mind, but realized that she felt our connection and she couldn't say no. I smirked to myself as I realized that she has finally felt it strongly, and he might be able to get through to her tonight.

I landed on my front porch and entered the house. Supernatural parents are usually not around, traveling with work or working 24 hours a day. I put down my backpack and started my homework. When I finished, I flipped through the channels, and stopped at a show called "Don't Talk To That Demon!" How ironic. Obviously, Angels controlled the government, and supposedly accepted "all Supernaturals". But Fia will be different. I just need to not mess up tonight.

As soon as I finished that thought, the doorbell rang. Eager for Fia's arrival, I jumped off the couch and opened the door quickly. Before me, I saw Fia dressed up, looking as hot as hell. I stood there for a minute, transfixed on her beauty. She folded in her wings, lightly hitting me in the face to get me to stop staring. I immediately stopped and I felt my cheeks redden slightly with embarrassment.

"Fia! You came!" I remarked stupidly.

"Of course, I told you I would," she huffed impatiently.

"Right..." I said awkwardly, both of us standing in the doorway. "Oh, do you want to come in?"

She just brushed a piece of hair behind her perfectly round ear and walked into my house. I pointed to the sofa, and she took a seat. Nervously, I hesitantly walked up and sat next to her.

"Do you know the warm feeling you feel when we're around each other?" I asked, scared.

She answered carefully and clearly. "Yes... but it doesn't mean anything!"

"It does though. It's fate saying we need to be together. If you don't act on it, then you won't be happy for the rest of your life. It's just the reinforced law inside you that's trying to cover up these feelings."

She nodded slowly, as if she understood to a point. "So let's say, as crazy as it seems, this is true and we chose each other as our mate. What would happen if the government found out?"

"Think about this, when was the last time you've seen a government official?" She made a guilty expression, revealing she was hiding something. "At least a decade ago," she decided.

"Exactly! And there are others like us. I say we make a rebellion and stand up to the government. It will take time, but you have to be patient and trust me. Please?"

"Let me think," she mumbled, and I left the room. I sat on the bottom-most stair, waiting for her decision and hoping it was the one I wanted.

"Theo, I've made a decision." I nervously went into the living room and sat back down on the sofa.

"I want to help you with the rebellion. I might be reluctant at first, but ill warm up eventually. I hope."

I grinned widely and she smiled back. Fia is on board, and now we can change history forever.

"Also," she finished, "I want to explore what's in between us."

I blinked my eyes in surprise, not expecting her to be ready for "us" yet. I guess dreams really do come true.

Author's Note

I forgot to add last time that wing size factors in how attractive they are, and they both have big wings. Things are about to heat up between them! Thanks for reading, I'll try to update ASAP, and please vote and/or comment.

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